Instruction for Collection and Recovery of Nitrate for
d15N and d18O Analysis


This Web-site is organized into five sections:

Section I: Described here is a brief overview of the method and its utility. In this overview, two methods are discussed. Method I (Chang et al., 1999), which is suited for samples with nitrate concentrations between 1-20 mM (the Cat AG2X method), and Method II (Silva et al., 2000) which is best suited for samples with higher nitrate concentrations (the AG1X method). 

Section II: Describes how to collect the sample using either the AG1X (Method I) or Cat AG2X (Method II) approach. If your sample nitrate concentrations span a large range, then you may have to use both of the Method I and Method II collection approaches. 

Section III: The recovery section describes how to recover and process the samples in the laboratory. 

Section IV: Here is an example of a sample analysis spreadsheet as well as a link for a blank sample analysis spreadsheet. 

Section V: This is a poster which depicts the procedure for the Cat AG2X method (Method II).

This Web page was conceived by Cecily C.Y. Chang, produced by Carla Chamberlain and Daniel Steinitz.

The URL of this page is:
Page created by Carla Chamberlain, Daniel Steinitz and Cecily Chang.
Please contact Carol Kendall ( for questions and comments regarding this page.
This page was last changed on July 19,  2001.
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