16.1 Introduction
Recent concern about the potential danger to water supplies posed by
the use of agricultural chemicals has focused attention on the mobility
of various solutes, especially nitrate and pesticides, in shallow hydrologic
systems. Nitrate concentrations in public water supplies have risen above
acceptable levels in many areas of the world, largely as a result of overuse
of fertilizers and contamination by human and animal waste. The World Health
Organization and the United States Environmental Protection Agency have
set a limit of 10 mg/L nitrate (as N) for drinking water because high-nitrate
water poses a health risk, especially for children,who can contract methemoglobinemia
(blue-baby disease). High concentrations of nitrate in rivers and lakes
can cause eutrophication, often followed by fish-kills due to oxygen depletion.
Increased atmospheric loads of anthropogenic nitric and sulfuric acids
have caused many sensitive, low-alkalinity streams in North America and
Europe to become acidified. Still more streams that are not yet chronically
acidic could undergo acidic episodes in response to large rain storms and/or
spring snowmelt. These acidic "events" can seriously damage sensitive local
ecosystems. Future climate changes may exacerbate the situation by affecting
biogeochemical controls on the transport of water, nutrients, and other
materials from land to freshwater ecosystems.
The development of effective management practices to preserve water
quality, and remediation plans for sites that are already polluted, requires
identification of the actual sources and understanding of the processes
affecting local nitrate concentrations. In particular, a better understanding
of hydrologic flowpaths and solute sources is required to determine the
potential impact of contaminants on water supplies. Determination of the
relation between nitrate concentrations in groundwater and surface water
and the quantity of nitrate introduced from a particular source is complicated
by (1) the occurrence of multiple possible sources of nitrate in many areas,
(2) the presence of overlapping point and non-point sources, and (3) the
co-existence of several biogeochemical processes that alter nitrate and
other chemical concentrations. In many circumstances, isotopes offer a
direct means of source identification because different sources of nitrate
often have isotopically distinct nitrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions.
In addition, biological cycling of nitrogen often changes isotopic ratios
in predictable and recognizable directions that can be reconstructed from
the isotopic compositions.
The main emphasis of the chapter will be on uses of isotopes in tracing
sources and cycling of nitrogen in the water-component of forested catchments.
However, the author has become convinced that watershed hydrologists not
only have to look beyond hydrology to biogeochemistry, but must work towards
an ecosystem or landscape approach to watershed processes. This kind of
broad, interdisciplinary approach acknowledges that soil processes, deep
groundwater reservoirs, agricultural and urban activities, and plant/animal
functions all may have interacting roles in the watershed. Therefore, although
the chapter focuses on dissolved nitrate in shallow waters, there will
be brief mention of related subjects such as nutrient uptake studies in
agricultural areas, large-scale tracer experiments, groundwater contamination
studies, food-web investigations, and uses of compound-specific stable
isotope techniques. This is not a chapter on environmental controls on
nitrogen cycling in catchments; for good recent reviews of this topic see
Cirmo and McDonnell (1997) and Stoddard (1994). And this is not a chapter
on 15N-tracer approaches; for a good review of tracer methods,
see Knowles and Blackburn (1993).
16.1.1 Fundamentals of nitrogen isotopes
The whole-earth abundance of N is 0.03%, with 97.76% of the total N
located in rocks, 2.01% in the atmosphere, and the remainder in the hydrosphere
and biosphere (Hübner, 1986; from various sources). There are two
stable isotopes of N: 14N and 15N. The wide range
of oxidation numbers exhibited by nitrogen compounds, ranging from +5 (NO3-)
to -3 (NH4+), results in a wide natural range of
isotopic compositions.
The average abundance of 15N in air is constant (Junk and
Svec, 1958), with 15N/14N = 1/272. Nitrogen isotope
ratios are generally reported in permil (‰) relative to N2 in
atmospheric air, using the standard definition of d
(which is properly spelled and pronounced "delta" not "del"):
15NAIR = {[(15N/14N)X/
(15N/14N)AIR] -1} · 1000 (Eq.
where x = sample and AIR = the reference standard gas. Analytical precisions
of 0.1‰ or better are common. To improve interlaboratory comparisons,
values should be normalized to the compositions of reference materials
with widely different
d15N values
(Böhlke and Coplen, 1995). For example,
values can be normalized to the values of the IAEA ammonium sulfate reference
materials N-1 and N-2, which we found to have compositions of +0.45‰ and
+20.35‰, respectively (Kendall and Grim, 1990). Some additional reference
materials are available for interlaboratory comparisons (Böhlke et
al., 1993; Böhlke and Coplen, 1995).
16.1.2 Methods
Below is a brief description of how various N-bearing materials can
be collected and analyzed for natural abundance isotopic composition, focused
mainly on dissolved species. This is a rapidly evolving field with new
methods being published every month. For up-to-date information, consult
your library or the Web (see Chapter 2 for information about useful WEB
sites and other analytical details). "Nitrogen Isotope Techniques" edited
by Knowles and Blackburn (1993) provides a detailed, practical description
of field and laboratory methods for N-related biological studies, mostly
focusing on 15N tracer approaches, not the natural abundance
applications that are the focus of this book. The chapter by Shearer and
Kohl (1993) provides a description of natural abundance d15N
applications, including a rebuttal to the skepticism of some ecologists
about natural abundance applications of N isotopes. On the other hand,
a recent review by Handley and Scrimgeour (1997) concluded that "the use
of 15N is a powerful tool for obtaining insights through d15N
pattern analysis, and for deriving new questions to be tested, but it is
not a reliable tracer of nitrogen fluxes in soils or plants growing in
Although this chapter focuses on uses of N isotopes to understand water
chemistry, isotopic compositions generally cannot be interpreted successfully
in the absence of other chemical and hydrologic data. In particular, since
redox reactions have such a profound impact on isotope fractionations,
information on pH and dissolved oxygen concentrations are especially critical.
A multi-isotope approach using the C, O, and S isotopic compositions of
other organic and inorganic components will also aid interpretation of
d15N variations in the ecosystem.
How and where the samples are collected is as least as important as
how and where they are analyzed. Adequate assessment of the temporal and
spatial variability in potential endmembers is essential. In particular,
sampling during fertilizer or manure application should be avoided because
of rapid fractionations in the soil soon after application (i.e., ammonia
volatilization and nitrification). Also, the nitrate-d15N
values of materials applied at the surface (e.g., fertilizer, manure, treated
waste) are best sampled beneath the application sites, after the N-bearing
materials have been nitrified during downwards transport through the soil
Dissolved N-species
There are several methods in current use for collecting dissolved inorganic
and organic nitrogen (DIN and DON) species from natural waters and preparing
them for d15N analysis. Since these
species are biologically labile, samples should be filtered immediately
after collection, using 0.45µ or finer filters; 0.1µ filters
will markedly increase shelf-life (Patton, 1995). Use of silver filters
for DON samples can aid preservation efforts. Samples should be kept chilled
until analyzed. Water samples are commonly preserved with sulfuric acid,
mercuric chloride (note: this is a hazardous material), chloroform, or
by freezing. It is advisable to check with the lab that will be analyzing
the samples to learn how they recommend samples should be preserved.
One method for collecting DIN from fresh waters for isotopic analysis
is to use ion exchange resins (Hoering, 1957; Moore, 1977; Garten, 1992;
Silva et al., in review; Chang et al., in review). Ammonium and nitrate
are collected on cation and anion resins, respectively, in the field and
the samples are sent to the lab for processing and analysis. The benefits
of using exchange resins are: (1) elimination of the need to transport
large volumes of water to the laboratory for processing, (2) elimination
of the need for hazardous preservatives (e.g., HgCl2), and (3)
ability to concentrate nitrogen from very dilute waters. Other anions and
cations can successfully compete for exchange sites on resins, so such
techniques are NOT suitable for saline or brackish waters; one must know
something about water chemistry before using these techniques.
Ammonium can be removed from the sample and converted to N2
gas for mass spectrometric analysis by (1) steam distillation of ammonium
followed by oxidation with a hypobromite solution, and purification of
N2 in a Cu/CuO furnace (Bremner, 1965; Bremner and Edwards,
1965); (2) distillation followed by collection of ammonium on an ammonium-specific
zeolite (Velinsky et al., 1989) and sealed-tube combustion using Cu/CuO
and CaO to produce pure N2 (Kendall and Grim, 1990); or (3)
the so-called "micro-diffusion method" where ammonium is slowly diffused
into an acid solution or onto acidified filter paper to produce ammonium
sulfate, and combusted or reacted as above to form N2 (MacKown
et al., 1987; Sigman et al., 1997; Downs et al., in press). Automated combustion
of solid samples for C, N, and S (and now pyrolysis of samples for O and
H) isotopes and elemental percentages on an elemental analyzer connected
to a continuous-flow mass spectrometer has recently become a very popular
method for analyzing more than 100 samples per day with analytical precisions
of about 0.2‰ (except for d2H). This
automated method can be applied to any of the methods below that produce
solids (e.g., silver nitrate, ammonium sulfate, DON, etc), and to some
Nitrate has conventionally been prepared by distilling off any existing
ammonium, reducing nitrate to ammonium by a Kjeldahl reaction (Bremner,
1965; Bremner and Edwards, 1965), and then converting the ammonium to N2
using any of the above methods. Sigman et al. (1997) have adapted the micro-diffusion
method for the analysis of seawater nitrate. A simple method, suitable
for samples with negligible organic N, is to freeze-dry filtered samples,
and then combust the resulting nitrate and other salts using Cu/CuO and
CaO to produce pure N2 (Kendall and Grim, 1990).
Using an ion exchange method to collect nitrate (Silva et al., in review),
the nitrate is later eluted with HCl, neutralized with Ag2O,
filtered to remove the AgCl precipitate, freeze-dried, and the remaining
AgNO3 combusted to N2. This method is only suitable
for fresh waters because high concentrations of anions in solution can
interfere with nitrate absorption, causing a depletion of 15N
in the sample. Samples can be archived, refrigerated on the column, for
up to 2 years with minimal fractionation. Our group has used this method
for over a thousand samples since 1991, and various modifications of it
are being used by several other groups (e.g., Wassenaar, 1995; Aravena
and Robertson, 1998; Harrington et al., 1998).
Nitrate can also be analyzed for d18O.
Amberger and Schmidt (1987) described a method whereby the sample was converted
to KNO3, combusted with Hg(CN)2 to produce CO2
that was purified and analyzed for d18O.
A modification of the method (Silva et al., in review) eliminates the need
for hazardous materials such as mercuric cyanide by converting the sample
to AgNO3 and combusting it with graphite to produce quantitative
yields of CO2. Using this method to collect and process nitrate
samples for d15N and d18O,
analytical precisions for the laboratory standards put through the entire
procedure are better than ± 0.1‰ for d15N,
and ± 0.5‰ for d18O. For "real"
samples, the error bars are about twice the size. An alternative laboratory
combustion method (Revesz et al., 1997) that reacts samples in the form
of KNO3 with catalyzed graphite gives excellent precision. Analysis
on the automated pyrolysis system (Farquhar et al., 1997; Kornexl et al.,
in press) discussed above will probably soon become the preferred analytical
Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) is usually operationally defined as
the N in dissolved organic matter (DOM) or dissolved organic carbon (DOC).
Fractions of DOM rich in N include amino acids, proteins, and phenols.
Because a wide variety of dissolved organic molecules contain nitrogen,
exactly what is analyzed for DON-d15N
depends primarily on how the water sample is processed after particulate
N is removed. Methods for isolating the DOM for later combustion to N2
and analysis for d15N range from
the very simple freeze-drying of the sample, to the addition of several
possible methods prior to freeze-drying, including removal of DIN by ion
chromatography, ultrafiltration to isolate a specific molecular weight
fraction followed by ion chromatography (Bronk and Glibert, 1991), roto-evaporation
followed by dialysis to remove DIN (Feuerstein et al., 1997), and passage
through various resins to separate different fractions by their chemical
properties (Aiken et al., 1979; Thurman and Malcolm, 1981).
Other N-bearing species
Particulate organic nitrogen (PON) is operationally defined as the
nitrogen in particulate organic matter (POM). POM is usually collected
on precombusted glass-fiber filters (GF/F), and combusted to N2
to determine the d15N; it can also
be analyzed for C, S, O, and H isotopes.
Plants and animals are extremely simple to analyze for bulk isotopic
composition, especially for d15N,
d13C, and d34S.
The samples are dried, ground, combusted, and analyzed -- generally using
an automated system as described above.
Gases can also be collected and analyzed for d15N
(see Knowles and Blackburn, 1993), d18O,
and other isotopes of interest. Gases are usually collected in a gas-tight
syringes, bottles with septa-caps, or specially designed evacuated sample
vessels. The samples may need to be combusted, and are then purified on
a vacuum line or by passage through a gas chromatograph before analysis.
An automated head-space sampler connected to the mass spectrometer can
greatly reduce the manpower required for analysis.
16.2 The Nitrogen Cycle
A schematic diagram of the nitrogen cycle in forest ecosystems is shown
in Figure
16.1. Biologically-mediated reactions (e.g., assimilation, nitrification,
and denitrification) strongly control nitrogen dynamics in the soil. These
reactions commonly result in increases in the d15N
of the substrate and decreases in the d15N
of the product. Attempts to trace fixed N through the ecosystem are hampered
by the complex fractionations caused by multiple cycles of mineralization,
nitrification, immobilization, plant uptake, and denitrification within
the soil (Lajtha and Schlesinger, 1986). Before describing some of these
processes, we will briefly review some isotope geochemistry.
16.2.1 Isotopic fractionations
Chemical, physical, and biological processes can be viewed as either
reversible equilibrium reactions or irreversible unidirectional kinetic
reactions; both kinds can have significant isotope fractionations. The
processes are commonly modeled using Rayleigh equations (see below). This
subject is discussed in detail in Chapter 2, and will be only briefly summarized
The fractionation factor associated with the equilibrium exchange reaction
A <--> B is defined as:
where R is
14N. Irreversible (unidirectional)
kinetic fractionation effects involving metabolic nitrogen transformations
are generally more important than equilibrium fractionation effects in
low temperature environments. Kinetic fractionation factors are highly
variable, depending on reaction rates, concentrations of products and reactants,
environmental conditions, and species of the organism. In general, the
lighter isotope reacts more readily, resulting in products that are lighter
than the reactants. In contrast, reversible equilibrium reactions can produce
products heavier or lighter than the original reactants.
Kinetic fractionation factors can be defined as:
where R
p and R
s are the
ratios of the product and substrate (reactant), respectively. An isotope
enrichment factor,
e, can be defined as:
ep-s = 1000 · (a
- 1) . (Eq. 16.4)
If the reactant concentration is large and fractionations are small:
ep-s ~ D
= dp - ds
(Eq. 16.5)
D (del) is another term for the enrichment
factor. Del (or "big del" as it is sometimes called) is the apparent fractionation;
it is the difference in the
values that are actually measured in the field and laboratory.
Readers of this book and articles dealing with isotope fractionations
must be careful: both a and e
values are defined in various ways by different authors. This chapter attempts
to use the terms as "normally defined" for equilibrium systems (i.e., if
s --> p, ap-s = Rp/Rs).
However, these terms are commonly defined "in reverse" of normal usage
in papers aimed at a biological audience to avoid using values of e
< 0, or a values < 1. For example, the
enrichment factor is sometimes defined in reverse (i.e., es-p),
fractionation factors are commonly defined in reverse (i.e., a
= Rp/Rs), many use the relation b
= 1/a so that b >
1 (e.g., Figure
16.2), and some workers define a "discrimination factor" Ds/p
= (as/p -1)*1000 where s/p denotes
substrate relative to products. Good discussions of fractionations associated
with biological processes include Hübner (1986) and Fogel and Cifuentes
(1993). Readers should also keep in mind that the fractionation and enrichment
factors determined in any particular study cannot readily be extrapolated
to other studies because the degree of fractionation is strongly dependent
on local conditions. Hence, the literature (including this chapter) contain
a wide variety of ep-s values for
any particular reaction.
The Rayleigh equation describes the evolution of the isotopic composition
of the residual reactant (substrate) during both kinetic and equilibrium
processes (see Chapter 2). A commonly used formulation of the Rayleigh
equation for systems with a constant fractionation factor is:
d ~ do
+ ep-s ln (ƒ) (Eq.
do is the initial composition
of the substrate, ƒ is the remaining fraction of the substrate, and
< 0. If is defined to be > 0, then the "+" in the equation should be
replaced with a "-".
After all these equations, the reader might well have concluded that
isotope fractionation is a very confusing concept. Not so! The idea is
very simple: organisms preferentially use the light isotope (14N)
over the heavy isotope (15N) so that almost anything created
by the organism (the product) is isotopically lighter than the material
not used (the reactant or substrate). For example, when microbes convert
ammonium to nitrate (nitrification), the nitrate being formed is lighter
(lower d15N value) than the ammonium
being left behind. And as organisms use up the reactant, the d15N
values of the product and left-over reactant change in predictable manner.
As shown schematically in Figure
16.2, the d15N of the cumulative
product N2 is always lighter than that of the residual reactant
NO3. At the start of the reaction (reaction progress = 0), the
d15N of the reactant is 0‰, and the
d15N of the first bit of product
is lighter than the reactant (by -5, -10, or -20‰, depending on which fractionation
factor (b) is being considered). As the reaction
progresses, the d15N of the reactant
and the product both get heavier, and when all the reactant is used up
(reaction progress = 1), the d15N
of the cumulative product is equal to the starting composition of the reactant
(d15N = 0) but the last bit of remaining
reactant can have a very high d15N
value. Therefore, the isotopic compositions of materials are highly dependent
on the value of the fractionation factor and the size of the remaining
reservoir of reactants.
Many biological processes consist of a number of steps (e.g., nitrification:
organic-N --> NH4+ --> NO2-
--> NO3-). Each step has the potential for fractionation,
and the overall fractionation for the reaction is highly dependent on environmental
conditions including the number and type of intermediate steps, sizes of
reservoirs (pools) of various compounds involved in the reactions (e.g.,
O2, NH4+), soil pH, species of the organism,
etc. Hence, estimation of fractionations in natural systems is very complex.
A useful "rule of thumb" is that most of the fractionation is caused
by the so-called "rate- determining step" -- which is the slowest step.
This step is commonly one involving a large pool of substrate where the
amount of material actually used is small compared to the size of the reservoir.
In contrast, a step that is not rate-determining generally involves a small
pool of some compound that is rapidly converted from reactant to product;
because the compound is converted to product as soon as it appears, there
is no fractionation at this step. The isotopic compositions of reactant
and product during a multi-step reaction where the net fractionation is
controlled by a single rate-determining step can be successfully modeled
with Rayleigh equations.
16.2.2 Processes affecting N isotopic compositions
It is impossible to do justice to this complex topic in the space allowed.
This section will highlight some of the major points of particular relevance
to studying watersheds, with an emphasis on nitrate in waters. For an excellent
review of nitrogen isotopes in soil-plant systems, see Högberg (1997).
A monograph by Handley and Scrimgeour (1997), describing their many years
of experience in studying nitrogen cycling in an abandoned field with isotopic
techniques, provides a fascinating critique of d15N
studies. Handley and Raven (1992) provides a general review of d15N
applications in ecosystem studies. Griffiths (1998) contains many pertinent
short articles on biological and ecological applications of isotopes.
The term N-fixation refers to processes that convert unreactive atmospheric
N2 into other forms of nitrogen (Figure
16.1). Although the term is usually used to mean fixation by bacteria,
it has also been used to include fixation by lightning and, more importantly,
by human activities (energy production, fertilizer production, and crop
cultivation) that produce reactive N (NOx, NHy, and
organic N). Biotic fixation in the absence of human activities provides
about 90-130 Tg N per year (Tg = teragram, or a trillion grams); human
activities have added an additional load of ~140 Tg N per year (Galloway
et al., 1995). These authors predict that the anthropogenic fixation rate
will increase by 60% by the year 2020, mainly due to increased fossil-fuel
combustion and fertilizer use, especially in Asia. This increase in N loading
is causing critical ecosystem changes on both the local and global scale
(Galloway et al., 1995); concern about the impact of these changes on human
activities is the main reason for the increased interest in uses of nitrogen
isotopes in environmental studies.
Fixation of atmospheric N2 by blue-green and other bacteria
(including those in N2-fixing root nodules, e.g., in legumes and alders)
by the enzyme nitrogenase commonly produces organic materials with d15N
values slightly less than 0‰. A compilation by Fogel and Cifuentes (1993)
indicates measured fractionations (ep-s)
ranging from -3 to +1‰. Because these values are generally lower than the
values for organic materials produced by other mechanisms, low d15N
values in organic matter are often cited as evidence for N2
fixation. The isotopic compositions of N-bearing materials produced by
anthropogenic fixation (atmospheric gases produced during fossil fuel combustion,
and artificial fertilizers produced from atmospheric gases) are discussed
in Section 16.3.1.
Common methods for quantifying biological fixation include the acetylene
block technique and two isotopic methods: the 15N tracer dilution
method (Warembourg, 1993; Watanabe and Wada, 1993) and the 15N
natural abundance method (Shearer and Kohl, 1988). Perhaps the main benefit
of the isotope methods is that the fixation estimate integrates over the
entire life of the leaf analyzed instead of being an instantaneous rate.
The natural abundance method has the further advantage that nothing has
to be added and the disturbance to the ecosystem is limited to the sampling
of leaves, soils, fertilizer, and air for isotopic measurement (Shearer
and Kohl, 1988; 1993). A recent discussion of the topic (Högberg,
1997) notes that it is sometimes possible to obtain quantitative fixation-N
data using the natural abundance method under carefully chosen conditions,
and that sometimes this technique is the only practical method for assessing
whether fixation is occurring.
Assimilation generally refers to the incorporation of N-bearing compounds
into organisms; although some workers view N2 fixation as a
special form of assimilation, the term assimilation will be used here to
refer only to incorporation (uptake) of ammonium, nitrate, or nitrite (Figure
16.1). Oxidized forms of N are initially reduced by nitrate or nitrite
reductases to ammonium, that is eventually assimilated into organic matter.
Assimilation, like other biological reactions, discriminates between isotopes
and generally favors the incorporation of 14N over 15N.
In a recent review of natural abundance 15N uptake studies,
Högberg (1997) concluded that while evaluations of the potential contribution
of a specific N source that had a unique isotopic signature were often
successful (e.g., foodweb studies), interpretations of the contributions
of different N sources to plants based on natural abundance measurements
generally needed confirmation by some independent non-isotopic method,
or by 15N tracer methods (e.g., Powlson and Barraclough, 1993;
Glibert and Capone, 1993).
Measured values for apparent fractionations caused by assimilation by
microorganisms in soils show a range of -1.6 to +1‰, with an average of
-0.52‰ (compilation by Hübner, 1986). Fractionations by vascular plants
show a range of -2.2 to +0.5‰ and an average of -0.25‰, relative to soil
organic matter (Mariotti et al., 1980). N uptake by plants in soils causes
only a small fractionation and hence, only slightly alters the isotopic
composition of the residual fertilizer or soil organic matter.
Fogel and Cifuentes (1993) present an elegant model for ammonium assimilation
in aquatic algae that predicts total fractionations of -4, -14, or -27‰
depending on whether algae cells are nitrogen limited, enzyme limited,
or diffusion limited, respectively. However, for the low pH values and
low ammonium concentrations common to soils, the model predicts that availability
of N is the limiting condition and the transport of ammonia across cell
walls is probably rapid, resulting in a small (< -4‰) overall fractionation.
A large range of fractionations (-27 to 0‰) has been measured in field
and laboratory experiments for nitrate and ammonium assimilation by algae
in aquatic environments (compiled by Fogel and Cifuentes, 1993). The much
larger range of fractionations observed in aquatic environments vs. soil
environments reflects the interplay of several possible kinetic and equilibrium
isotope effects as a function of environmental conditions. In general,
smaller fractionations are observed for higher growth rates and for lower
NO3 and NH4 concentrations.
The term dissimilation has been used to refer to N-metabolism because
it can be viewed as the opposite of assimilation (Hübner, 1986). In
metabolic reactions, the N compound is used as a supplier of energy by
being either an electron donor (e.g., in redox reactions by nitrifying
bacteria) or an electron acceptor (e.g., in the oxidation of organic compounds
by denitrifiers).
Mineralization is usually defined as the production of ammonium from
soil organic matter. This is sometimes called ammonification, which is
a less confusing term (Figure
organic-N ---> NH4+ . (Eq. 16.7)
Mineralization usually causes only a small fractionation (±1‰) between
soil organic matter and soil ammonium.
The reader should note that many other workers use the term mineralization
for the overall production of nitrate from organic matter by several reaction
steps. This usage results in literature that gives fractionations for mineralization
that can range from -35 to 0‰, depending on which step is rate limiting
(Delwiche and Steyn, 1970; Feigin et al., 1974; Letolle, 1980). The large
fractionations are caused by the nitrification of ammonium, not the conversion
of organic N to ammonium. In general, the d15N
of soil ammonium is usually within a few permil of the composition of total
organic N in the soil. Reviews of 15N tracer methods for determining
mineralization and nitrification rates in soils and waters include: Mosier
and Schimel, 1993; Powlson and Barraclough, 1993; and Glibert and Capone,
Nitrification is a multi-step oxidation process mediated by several
different autotrophic organisms for the purpose of deriving metabolic energy;
the reactions produce acidity. Nitrate is not the only product of nitrification;
different reactions produce various nitrogen oxides as intermediate species
(e.g., NO2-, NO, N2O). Nitrification can
be described as two partial oxidation reactions, each of which proceeds
oxidation by Nitrosomonas,
2 <--->H
followed by oxidation by Nitrobacter,
NO2- + H2O ---> NO3-
+ 2[H] . (Eq. 16.10)
A detailed discussion of the nitrogen fractionations involved in these
reactions can be found in Hübner (1986). Several workers have investigated
the source of the oxygen in these reactions (Hollocher et al., 1981; Andersson
and Hooper, 1983; Kumar et al., 1983; and Hollocher, 1984), and current
understanding is that two of the oxygens in NO
3 derive from
2O and one derives from O
2, and there may be further
O exchange between nitrite and water (see Section 16.4.3).
The total fractionation associated with nitrification depends on which
step is rate determining: one of the nitrification reactions listed above
or the earlier production of ammonium from organic matter. Because the
oxidation of nitrite to nitrate (Equation 16.10) is generally quantitative
(rapid) in natural systems, this is generally not the rate determining
step, and most of the N fractionation is probably caused by the slow oxidation
of ammonium by Nitrosomonas. In soils, overall nitrification fractionations
(b) have been estimated to range between 1.012
and 1.029 (Shearer and Kohl, 1986); i.e., the enrichment factors are -12
to -29‰ (d15NNO3 <
In general, the extent of fractionation is dependent on the size of
the substrate pool (reservoir). In N-limited systems, the fractionations
are minimal. Hence, the d15N of soil
nitrate is usually within a few permil of the composition of total organic
N in the soil. If there is a large amount of ammonium available (e.g.,
artificial fertilizer has been applied), nitrification is stimulated, and
the oxidation of the fertilizer ammonium is the rate-determining step;
this would likely cause a large fractionation. The d15N
value of the first-formed nitrate is relatively low (Figure
16.3), but as the ammonium pool is used up, the nitrification rate
decreases, oxidation of ammonium is no longer the rate-determining step,
the overall nitrification fractionation decreases, and the d15N
value of the total nitrate increases towards pre-fertilization values (Feigin
et al., 1974).
Therefore, one cannot accurately predict the d15N
value of nitrate being leaked to surface water or groundwater from an agricultural
field from simple measurement of the average d15N
of ammonium fertilizers. The d15N
of soil nitrate is commonly a few permil lighter (and sometimes heavier)
than that of soil N because of fractionations associated with mineralization
and/or nitrification. And even if the fertilizer applied were 100% synthetic
KNO3 or guano, there would still be a possibility of post-depositional
increases in d15N caused by denitrification
as the nitrate was slowly transported to the sampling point. Increases
in d15N of nitrate caused by denitrification
are less likely in coarse-grained soils where waters percolate rapidly
(and have higher concentrations of dissolved oxygen) than in finer-grained
soils (Gormly and Spalding, 1979). Hence, the best way to assess the "effective"
d15N value of the fertilizer or manure
endmember is to collect samples from beneath the field where the materials
are applied, avoiding sample collection soon after application since the
fractionations are greatest then.
Volatilization is the term commonly used for the loss of ammonia gas
from surficial soils to the atmosphere; the ammonia gas produced has a
lower d15N value than the residual
ammonium in the soil. Volatilization involves several steps that can cause
fractionation, including (1) the equilibrium fractionations between ammonium
and ammonia in solution, and between aqueous and gaseous ammonia, and (2)
the kinetic fractionation caused by the diffusive loss of 15N-depleted
ammonia. The overall process can cause large isotopic enrichments since
the fractionations of the equilibrium and kinetic steps are each reported
to be >1.02 (Hübner, 1986); the actual fractionation depends on the
pH and other factors. Volatilization in farmlands results from applications
of urea and manure to fields, and occurs within piles of manure; the resulting
organic matter may have d15N values
>20‰ because of ammonia losses.
Animal waste contains a wide variety of N-bearing compounds, both aqueous
and solid, but most of the N is in the form of urea. The urea may be hydrolyzed
to ammonia, and later oxidized (nitrified) to nitrate (Kreitler, 1975;
Heaton, 1986):
CO(NH2)2 --> NH3 <--> NH4+
--> NO3- . (Eq. 16.11)
3 <-->NH
Note that the above reaction consists of both reversible (equilibrium)
reactions and irreversible (kinetic) reactions, but the overall reaction
is unidirectional in that urea is irreversibly oxidized to nitrate. The
hydrolysis of urea or ammonium fertilizer results in a temporary increase
in pH, that favors the loss of ammonia gas by volatilization. The overall
unidirectional reaction causes a preferential loss of ammonia depleted
in 15N relative to the ammonium in solution (Figure
16.3). The loss of ammonia restores acidity and the remaining ammonium,
now enriched in 15N, remains in solution. Much of the enriched
ammonium is later nitrified to 15N-enriched nitrate (Figure
16.3). The degree of enrichment is determined by a variety of environmental
factors that influence the rate of volatilization (e.g., soil pH, windspeed,
moisture, temperature, etc). In a survey of fertilized soils in Texas,
Kreitler (1975) attributed a 2-3‰ increase in d15N
in underlying groundwater relative to the applied fertilizer to volatilization,
and noted that losses of ammonia in alkaline soils can be very large and
cause dramatic shifts in d15N.
Sorption/desorption reactions can cause small isotope fractionations
as a result of isotope exchange on the charged surfaces of clays and other
material. However, there is little evidence for nitrate sorption in soils.
Cation exchange resins and kaolinitic clays favor the retention of the
heavier isotope in the adsorbed fraction of NH4+;
anion resins favor the retention of the lighter isotope of NO3-
(Delwiche and Steyn, 1970). Hence, chromatographic (retardation) processes
in soil profiles could cause the more "mobile" ammonium that is available
for uptake by roots or oxidation by nitrifiers to have a lower d15N
value. A compilation by Hübner (1986) shows that ion-exchange fractionations
are commonly in the range of 1 to 8‰. The actual fractionation observed
is dependent on concentration and the fractionation factor (distribution
coefficient) for the exchange with the clay material (Hübner, 1986).
The fractionation factor will probably vary with depth in the soil because
of changes in clay composition and water chemistry.
Denitrification is a multi-step process with various nitrogen oxides
(e.g., N2O, NO) as intermediate compounds resulting from the
chemical or biologically mediated reduction of nitrate to N2.
Depending on the redox conditions, organisms will utilize different oxidized
materials as electron acceptors in the general order: O2, NO3-,
SO42-. Although microbial denitrification does not
occur in the presence of significant amounts of oxygen, it can occur in
anaerobic pockets within an otherwise oxygenated sediment or water body
(Koba et al., 1997).
Nitrate reduction by the heterotroph Pseudomonas denitrificans and the
simultaneous respiration of CO2 from the oxidation of organic
matter is the major cause of denitrification in soils:
4NO3- + 5C + 2H2O --> 2N2
+ 4HCO3- + CO2 . (Eq.
However, denitrification during the chemo-autotrophic respiration of Thiobacillus
denitrificans, which oxidizes sulfur, can also be important in sewage purification
systems (Batchelor and Lawrence, 1978). Pseudomonas denitrificans is a
facultative (capable of heterotrophic and autotrophic metabolic activity)
anaerobic microorganism that switches to nitrate reduction at O
levels of less than about 0.5mg/L (Hübner, 1986); other facultative
denitrifiers make this "switch" at different O
2 levels. The
stoichiometry of the denitrification reaction mediated by Thiobacillus
denitrificans is:
14NO3- + 5FeS2 + 4H+ >>>>
7N2 + 10SO42- + 5Fe2+
+ 2H2O . (Eq. 16.13)
Denitrification causes the
d15N of
the residual nitrate to increase exponentially as nitrate concentrations
decrease (
16.2), and causes the acidity of the system to decrease. For example,
denitrification of fertilizer nitrate that originally had a distinctive
d15N value of +0‰ can yield residual
nitrate with much higher
d15N values
(e.g., +15 to +30‰) that are within the range of compositions expected
for nitrate from a manure or septic-tank source (
16.4). Measured enrichment factors (apparent fractionations) associated
with denitrification (
eN2 - NO3)
range from -40 to -5‰; hence, the
of the N
2 is lower than that of the nitrate by about these values.
The N
2 produced by denitrification results in excess N
contents in groundwater; the
of this N
2 can provide useful information about sources and
processes (Section 16.5.2).
There are several methods for determining the presence or extent of
denitrification, including various enzyme-blockage methods (e.g., the acetylene
blockage method) and 15N tracer methods (Mosier and Schimel,
1993). Natural abundance isotope methods include comparison of the increases
in the (1) d15N of nitrate, (2) concentration
and d15N of total N2,
or (3) relative d15N and d18O
of nitrate, with decreasing nitrate concentrations (see Section 16.5.2).
The greenhouse gas N2O can be produced and released to the
atmosphere by various mechanisms including denitrification in boggy soils
and in aquatic systems near the sediment/water interface (e.g., Duff and
Triska, 1990), and nitrification in soils. These two processes should be
distinguishable isotopically because of differences in reaction mechanisms
and kinetic fractionations. Further support for the source of the N2O
can be gained by analyzing the d15N
(and d18O) of other N-bearing compounds
affected by the production of N2O. The N2O produced
by nitrification is not likely to be metabolized in oxygenated waters,
and will maintain its characteristic d15N
and d18O values; in contrast, the
d18O and d15N
of N2O in anoxic conditions will increase because of consumption
by denitrifiers (Yoshinari and Koike, 1994).
16.3 d15N Values of Nitrogen
Sources and Reservoirs
Most terrestrial materials have d15N
compositions between -20 and +30‰. Although a recent compilation noted
that the extreme d15N values for
"natural" terrestrial substances reported thus far were -49 to +102‰ (Böhlke
et al., 1993), these extreme values are the products of fairly unusual
recycling of N; more typical ranges of major reservoirs are shown in Figure
16.4. The dominant source of nitrogen in most forested ecosystems is
the atmosphere (d15N = 0‰); many
plants fix nitrogen and organisms cycle this nitrogen into the soil. Other
sources of nitrogen to watersheds include fertilizers produced from atmospheric
nitrogen with compositions of 0 ± 3‰ and animal manure with nitrate
d15N values generally in the range
of +10 to +25‰; rock contributions of N to waters are almost always negligible.
Note that fertilizer and animal waste have generally distinctive d15N
values; however, the compositions of atmospheric and soil nitrate are not
distinctive and overlap the compositions of fertilizer and animal waste.
The d15N ranges of these N reservoirs
at any single site are usually much less than shown on the figure.
Two factors control the d15N values
of any N-bearing compound in the subsurface (1) variations in the d15N
values of inputs (sources) and outputs (sinks) of the compound in the subsurface,
and (2) chemical, physical, and biological transformations of materials
within the soil or groundwater that produce or remove the compound. Good
reviews of the topic from different perspectives are given in Hübner
(1986) and Högberg (1997). The sections below are intended to give
the reader some general information about the isotopic compositions of
various N sources or reservoirs, and how the N-cycling processes described
in Section 16.2.2 affect these compositions. The discussion necessarily
deals in generalizations derived at a limited number of sites, but the
reader must not deduce from this that all ecosystems are alike, and the
d15N values measured at one site
cannot be blithely extrapolated to another.
16.3.1 Atmospheric sources
Complex chemical reactions in the atmosphere result in a large range
of d15N values of N-bearing gases
and solutes depending on the compound involved, the season, meteorological
conditions, ratio of NH4 to NO3 in the precipitation,
types of anthropogenic inputs, proximity to pollution sources, distance
from ocean, etc. (Hübner, 1986). Natural atmospheric sources of these
gases and solutes include volatilization of ammonia from soils and animal
waste (with fractionations as large as -40‰), nitrification and denitrification
in soils and surface waters, and production in thunderstorms from atmospheric
N2. Anthropogenic sources include chemical processing and combustion
of fossil fuels in automobiles and power plants. The d15N
values of atmospheric NO3 and NH4 are usually in
the range of -15 to +15‰ (Figure
16.4). Extremely low d15N values
for NO3 can be expected near chemical plants because of sorption
of NOx gases (with high d15N
values) in exhaust scrubbers (Hübner, 1986).
There have been few comprehensive studies of d15N
of precipitation, in part because of the difficulty of analyzing such dilute
waters. Isotope shifts of several permil can occur between and within storms
because of selective washout of N-bearing materials (Heaton, 1986), and
the total range observed at any single location can be as large as 20‰.
Studies in Germany (Freyer, 1978; 1991) and South Africa (Heaton, 1986;
1987) have found that d15N values
of NO3 show a seasonal cycle of low d15N
values in spring and summer rain and higher values in the winter. Freyer
(1978) attributed this cycle to the release of depleted nitrogen oxides
from soils (including nitrification of fertilizers) during the warm and
moist growing season, and attributed the production of enriched NOx
during colder seasons to the increased combustion of fossil fuels. Later
work showed that variations in the d15N
of NOx (i.e., its source) were not necessarily the main control
on d15N of NO3 because
of the large fractionation (~ +18‰) associated with the conversion of NO
to NO2 in the atmosphere (Freyer et al., 1993).
In general, the NO3 in rain appears to have a higher d15N
value than the co-existing NH4 (Figure
16.4). For example, the average d15N
values of NO3 and NH4 in Germany were -2.5 ±3.0‰
and -12.0 ±1.9‰, respectively; the lower NH4 values were
explained by washout of d15N-depleted
atmospheric NH3, and the higher NO3 values by washout
of NO and NO2 (Freyer, 1978). Over a 1-year study at Walker
Branch watershed (Tennessee, USA), the mean d15N
values of NO3 and NH4 in precipitation (rain and
throughfall) were +2.3 ±2.4‰ and -3.4 ±2.1‰, respectively
(Garten, 1992); the lower NH4 values were again explained by
washout of atmospheric NH3. Equilibrium exchange reaction of
gaseous NO or NO2 with dissolved NO3 would result
in 15N enrichment of the NO3. However, other studies
have illustrated various complicated relations (Moore, 1977; Heaton, 1987),
and there is considerable inter-storm and seasonal variability.
The concentrations of N-bearing materials in precipitation are highly
variable and often site-specific. Although precipitation in the eastern
parts of the USA often contains subequal quantities of NH4 and
NO3, NH4 is preferentially retained (utilized) in
the tree canopy relative to atmospheric NO3 (Garten and Hanson,
1990), so that a larger proportion of the atmospheric nitrogen that reaches
the soil surface is in the form of NO3. The mean d15N
of red maple leaves in N-deficient ridges and slopes at the Walker Branch
watershed is -3.2 ±1.2‰, similar to the composition of NH4
in bulk precipitation (Garten, 1992). This suggests that atmospheric NH4
might be a significant source of N for the trees, but further work is needed
to verify this.
Considerable attention has been given to nitrogen oxides (and sulfur
oxides) in the atmosphere because of their contributions to acid rain.
This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 22 (also see Heaton et al.,
1997). Despite the complications of the atmospheric N cycle, isotope tracing
of sources has been successful in some local studies. For example, there
is some evidence that NOx emitted from coal combustion has a
markedly different d15N value (+6
to +9‰) than NOx emitted from automobiles (-13 to -2‰), at least
at the study area in South Africa (Heaton, 1990). The low values were attributed
to kinetic fractionations in the formation of NO from atmospheric N2
and O2, and the high values to the d15N
value of the coal (usually > 0‰) plus kinetic fractionations related to
the breakdown of NO back to N2 and O2. Estimates
for the d15N value of nitric acid
vapor from anthropogenic sources range from -2.7‰ in Germany (Freyer, 1991),
to +6.0 ±2.3‰ in Tennessee where 75-90% of the NO3 in
dry deposition to an artificial tree was believed to be HNO3
vapor derived from coal combustion (Garten, 1995). The d15N
of NO3 in dry deposition in Tennessee was about 6‰ heavier than
in rain, close to the composition of soil nitrate. Hence, it is not surprising
that throughfall, which contains dry deposition on the tree canopy, has
a higher d15N value than rain. For
example, the d15N value of NO3
in throughfall was found to be higher than in open-air rain, whereas the
d15N of NH4 in throughfall
had a variable composition relative to rain, in studies in Tennessee (Garten,
1992) and Yorkshire (UK) (Heaton et al., 1997). These findings suggests
that throughfall-d15N is a better
integrator of atmospheric N inputs to forested catchments than rain-d15N.
Combined use of the d18O and d15N
of nitrate (Section 16.4) may allow better separation of atmospheric and
terrestrial nitrate sources (Amberger and Schmidt, 1987; Durka et al.,
1994; Kendall et al., 1995b; in review; Böhlke et al., 1997), including
the possible separation of different anthropogenic sources. Oxygen isotope
ratios have proved useful for distinguishing N2O from nitrification
and denitrification (Wahlen and Yoshinari, 1985).
16.3.2 Fertilizers
Use of N-bearing fertilizers has a great impact on crop productivity,
the d15N values of farmland plants,
and on the N contents and d15N values
of farmland soils. Overuse of fertilizers has resulted in high concentrations
of nitrate, and significant changes in the d15N
of the nitrate, in the surface waters and groundwaters issuing from farmland
soils. Artificial (inorganic) fertilizers produced by the fixation of atmospheric
N2 include the commonly-applied urea, ammonium nitrate, and
potassium nitrate. These anthropogenic fertilizers have d15N
values that are uniformly low reflecting their atmospheric source (Figure
16.4), generally in the range of -4 to +4‰; however, some fertilizer
samples have shown a total range of -8 to +7‰ (see compilations by Hübner,
1986; Macko and Ostrom, 1994). Mean d15N
values are (1) urea = +0.18 ± 1.27‰, (2) NH4 = -0.91 ±1.88‰,
and (3) NO3 = +2.75 ± .76‰ (Hübner, 1986). Organic
fertilizers (which include so-called "green" fertilizers such as cover
crops and plant composts, and liquid and solid animal waste) generally
have higher d15N values and a much
wider range of compositions (generally +2 to +30‰) than inorganic fertilizers
because of their more diverse origins. Note that the d15N
of nitrate in fertilized soils may not be the same as the fertilizer.
16.3.3 Animal waste
It has often been observed that animals (microbes to invertebrates)
are slightly enriched in 15N relative to their diet, which is
sometimes expressed as the isotope in-joke "you are what you eat plus 3‰"
(or thereabouts). The increases in d15N
in animal tissue and solid waste relative to diet are due mainly to the
excretion of isotopically light N in urine or its equivalent (Wolterink
et al., 1979). Animal waste products may be further enriched in 15N
because of volatilization of 15N-depleted ammonia, and subsequent
oxidation of much of the residual waste material may result in nitrate
with a high d15N (Figure
16.4). By this process, animal waste with a typical d15N
value of about +5‰ is converted to nitrate with d15N
values generally in the range of +10 to +20‰ (Kreitler, 1975; 1979), and
human and other animal waste become isotopically indistinguishable under
most circumstances (an exception is Fogg et al., 1998).
16.3.4 Plants
N-autotrophs can utilize a variety of materials from purely inorganic
compounds (NH4, NO3, N2, NO2)
to amino acids, and can have a wide range in d15N
values depending on environmental conditions. However, most plants have
d15N values in the range of -5 to
+2‰ (Fry, 1991). Plants fixing N2 from the atmosphere have d15N
values of about 0 to +2‰, close to the d15N
value of atmospheric N2. N-heterotrophs (e.g., fungi) that utilize
organically fixed N in the form of amino acids, have d15N
values that are generally higher than soil N (Högberg, 1997). Recent
investigations have concluded that there is negligible fractionation during
plant uptake in most natural N-limited systems (Nadelhoffer and Fry, 1994;
Högberg, 1997); nevertheless, tree tissues and litter have slightly
lower d15N values than soil. Under
higher nutrient conditions, preferential uptake of 15N by plants
results in a few permil fractionation between plants and DIN. Whereas,
in general, microorganisms and plants preferentially uptake ammonium, soil
nitrate is preferentially assimilated by tree roots relative to soil ammonium
(Nadelhoffer and Fry, 1988).
Spatial variability in foliar d15N
is commonly observed within forested catchments. A compilation of data
for non-fixing trees by Garten (1993) shows as much as a 3-15‰ range in
d15N values among the same species
in small geographic areas. The large range reflects spatial variability
in the relative amounts, d15N values,
and bioavailability of atmospheric versus various soil sources of N; some
examples of processes affecting variability are described below. The d15N
values of non-fixing plants from a chronosequence in Hawaii (USA) increased
substantially (-5.9 to +0.7‰) with age; soils showed a similar increase
but were about 4‰ heavier (Vitousek et al., 1989). This increase with age
was attributed to less reliance on 15N-depleted precipitation
sources, higher rates of N cycling, more fixation and assimilation of N,
and greater leaching losses in more mature soils. Foliar d15N
values were higher on valley bottoms than on ridgetops in Tennessee (USA),
reflecting the greater uptake of high-d15N
soil DIN by plants in the valleys and greater uptake of low-d15N
atmospheric ammonium on ridges where soil DIN is more limited (Garten,
1993). The 15N-enrichment of trees closer to the ocean relative
to ones at higher elevations or at greater distances from the ocean perhaps
reflects input of sea spray enriched in 15N (Virginia and Delwiche,
1982; Heaton, 1987).
16.3.5 Soils
Nitrogen is recycled continuously between the atmosphere, soil, and
the biosphere. The d15N of total
soil N ranges from about -10 to +15‰, with most soils having d15N
values in the range of +2 to 5‰. Cultivated soils had slightly lower d15N
values (+0.65 ±2.6‰) than uncultivated soils (+2.73 ±3.4‰),
according to a major soil survey by Broadbent et al. (1980). The d15N
is affected by many factors including soil depth, vegetation, climate,
cultural history, etc. Most of the N in soils is bound in forms not readily
available to plants; hence, the d15N
of total soil N is generally not a good approximation of the d15N
of N available for plant growth.
Soluble DIN (mainly NO3) constitutes about 1% of the N in
soils, and hence is a very small pool whose d15N
is much more sensitive to change than the larger organic pool. Turnover
times of DIN in various soils are on the order of days (Davidson et al.,
1990, 1992; Högberg, 1997). Because nitrate is more mobile in soils
than ammonium, it is less likely to accumulate and, hence, readily leaches
from soils. Although it has often been assumed that nitrate is the most
abundant N solute in catchment waters, several recent studies have found
that DON is actually the dominant N solute (Hedin et al., 1995; Gorham
et al., 1998). The few DON-d15N values
available for catchment waters are described in Section 16.7.2.
There have been several investigations of the d15N
values for soil nitrate from different environments (i.e., "natural" soils
(tilled and untilled), soils fertilized with synthetic fertilizers or manure,
soils contaminated with septic waste, etc). The data generated by a number
of studies are summarized in Figure
16.4. In general, the soil nitrate produced from fertilizer (average
d15N value = +4.7 ±5.4‰) and
animal waste (average d15N = +14.0
± 8.8‰) are isotopically distinguishable but they both overlap with
the compositions of nitrate in precipitation and natural soils. However,
given the large range of d15N values
of the nitrate sources, the average values of sources from one site cannot
be automatically applied to another; this is vividly illustrated by a recent
compilation of nitrate d15N data
(Fogg et al., 1998).
Two factors, drainage and influence of litter, have a consistent and
major influence on the d15N values
of soil DIN (Shearer and Kohl, 1988). Nitrate in soils on lower slopes
and near saline seeps has a higher d15N
value than nitrate in well-drained soils (Karamanos et al., 1981), perhaps
because the greater denitrification in more boggy areas results in 15N-enriched
residual nitrate. The d15N values
of nitrate in soils from valley bottoms at the Walker Branch watershed
are higher than for soils from ridges and slopes, consistent with a theoretical
model that explains the increase in the d15N
of inorganic N in soil as a function of the higher relative rates of immobilization
and nitrification in these bottom soils (Shearer et al., 1974). There is
also greater uptake of atmospheric ammonium (which generally has a low
d15N value) on the ridges because
the limited availability of soil DIN there (Garten, 1993). It has recently
been proposed that the release (drainage) of N from catchment soils can
be explained by a flushing of the high-N upper layers of the soil during
snowmelt or autumn storms, combined with a draining mechanism during snowmelt
where recharge of the groundwater transports N from the upper soil layers
into deeper flowpaths that contribute to baseflow throughout the year (Creed
et al., 1996).
Areas with abundant litter deposition (e.g., under trees and bushes)
commonly have lower total d15N values
than open areas (Shearer and Kohl, 1988; Nadelhoffer and Fry, 1988), presumably
because losses of 14N to plant uptake during mineralization
and nitrification in the open-area soil (i.e., natural soil processes)
were not "offset" by the recycling of N from decaying litter. Discrimination
against 15N during decomposition of litter (Melillo et al.,
1989) results in the gradual 15N-enrichment of the residual
organic material. Finer grained organic matter is generally enriched in
15N relative to coarser material (Tiessen et al., 1984).
Well-drained soils typically show an increase in total soil-d15N
with soil depth or with decreasing organic N content (Shearer et al., 1978;
Shearer and Kohl, 1986). Nadelhoffer and Fry (1988) concluded that this
increase in forests was due solely to fractionation during net mineralization,
and not to differential preservation of components of litter with greater
d155N values. Surficial soil organic
matter d15N values are generally
similar to or slightly greater than the values for plant litter; these
values increase to about +8 ±2‰ at depths of 20-40 cm (Nadelhoffer
and Fry, 1994). This increase in d15N
with depth and age can be viewed as mainly the result of the metabolism
of microbial heterotrophs that produce 15N-enriched biomass
as a result of excreting 15N-depleted waste (Nadelhoffer and
Fry, 1994). The loss of the bio-available, 15N-depleted ammonium
to plant uptake, nitrification, and leaching coupled by recycling of the
15N-enriched biomass, will inevitably lead to increases in d15N
of the total soil N. Accumulation of 15N-enriched, recalcitrant,
mycorrhizal N with depth has also be suggested as an explanation for the
increases in d15N (Gebauer and Dietrich,
1993). And there is some evidence that the d15N
of DON also increases with depth (Sherry Schiff, pers. comm., 1998).
Several investigators have reported that although nitrate d15N
values usually increase with depth in surface soils, values can decrease
below the rooting zone (50-500 cm) where N concentrations are low and N
pools are mainly derived from leaching from above. Delwiche and Steyn (1970)
noted that where there is a significant change in texture in the profile
(e.g. a point where sand content is unusually high), there is a significant
enrichment in 15N. But they could not demonstrate a consistent
relationship between 15N content of N and soil particle size
or total N content to the soil. Shearer et al. (1974) developed a theoretical
model to explain the d15N of soil
DIN as a function of the relative rates of N immobilization and nitrification.
Although mineralization followed by nitrification and leaching are probably
major causes of enrichments in total soils, other processes can also produce
increases in d15N of nitrate with
depth. For example, the inverse correlation of nitrate-d15N
and nitrate concentration beneath agricultural fields (Gormly and Spalding,
1979; Böttcher et al., 1990) and in a forest (Koba et al., 1997) were
attributed to increasing denitrification with depth. Seasonal changes in
soil temperature may also affect the d15N
of nitrate, resulting in higher values in the summer in unfertilized fields
(Ostrom et al., 1998). In well-oxygenated vadose zones, there may be little
or no change in the d15N of nitrate
past the root zone, indicating little denitrification or other nitrogen
cycling reactions during transport (Gormly and Spalding, 1979; Fogg et
al., 1998)
The complexity of the soil makes detailed studies of the different soil
DIN pools difficult. For example, soil extractions using different soil:extractant
ratios (Lindau and Spalding, 1984) and extractant chemical type (Burns
and Kendall, in review; using DI, KCl and NH4Cl extractants)
can cause more than a 6‰ range in nitrate d15N.
Three possible explanations of these data have been proposed: (1) these
values are artifacts caused by disturbance of the small, biologically active
pools of N, (2) different pools of nitrate may have different d15N
values, or (3) different pools are differentially available to flushing,
perhaps because the nitrate pools are associated with different pore sizes
or types of grain surfaces. Plants are integrators of the d15N
of available N sources, and although there are complexities caused by storage
effects, perhaps plants -- especially fine roots -- would provide the simplest
and best estimate of the d15N value
of available N in the soil (Högberg, 1997).
16.3.6 Groundwater
In the last decade as nitrate concentrations in public supply wells
have reached unacceptable levels in many parts of the world, it has become
obvious that more attention needs to be paid to linkages between human
activities on the surface and groundwater quality (Follett, 1989; Spalding
and Exner, 1993). Nevertheless, groundwater is an often forgotten reservoir
of nitrate in catchments. This is because many catchment hydrologists
have not realized that there might be significant amounts of groundwater
stored within the bedrock of the catchment, and many forest and agricultural
biologists have paid little attention to processes below the root zone.
All too often the bedrock is erroneously regarded as being impermeable
and thus of little relevance to surface water hydrology, and to ecosystem
processes on the landsurface and in streams. In fact, not only is groundwater
the major source of water to streams in almost all catchments (see Chapters
1, 10-14, and 20-21), but because deep groundwater systems often extend
beyond the catchment "boundaries" assigned from surface topography, these
leakages can have a significant effect on catchment water and solute budgets.
For more information on assessing the hydrologic properties of shallow
and deep groundwater reservoirs, see Chapters 7 and 9.
The main N-related processes in groundwater that affect catchment hydrology
are probably denitrification, temporary storage, and transport to streams.
How the nitrate-containing waters are transported to the stream has a dramatic
effect on nitrate concentrations in streamwater (Böhlke and Denver,
1995). If waters containing high concentrations of nitrate that "escaped"
below the rootzone are intercepted by tile drains or if these waters travel
along deep flowpaths in oxidized aquifers before discharging vertically
upwards directly beneath the streambed, the nitrate-rich waters could be
discharged unchanged into the stream. On the other hand, if these groundwaters
flow laterally through anoxic zones in adjacent riparian areas or through
deeper unoxidized units where denitrification and other processes reduce
the DIN contents, the groundwaters may be a significant sink for nitrate
in catchments. This is illustrated by Figure
16.5 where the nitrate concentrations and d15N
values in two adjacent streams are largely a function of the different
flowpaths utilized. In this case, storage time was less important than
the geochemistry of the geologic unit; the age ranges of waters discharging
to both streams were similar. Several recent studies have found larger
groundwater nitrate reservoirs in catchments than previously suspected
(Kendall et al., 1995b; Williams et. al., 1997; Burns et al., 1998).
16.4 d18O Values of Nitrate
Sources and Reservoirs
The d18O of nitrate is a promising
new tool for determining nitrate sources and reactions. Because much less
is known about the d18O of various
nitrate sources and the fractionations associated with different nitrogen
cycling mechanisms, this discussion is separate from the discussion of
d15N reservoirs (Section 16.3). Although
several techniques have been developed since the 1980's for analysis of
nitrate for d18O (Amberger and Schmidt,
1987; Kendall et al., 1996; Revesz et al., 1997; Silva et al., in review),
there have been few applications of these methods, probably because all
the methods are labor intensive and the first involves hazardous materials.
Fundamentals: Oxygen has three stable isotopes: 16O,
17O, and 18O. Stable oxygen isotopic compositions
are given in terms of 18O/16O ratios using the definition
given above. The d18O values of nitrate
are reported in ‰ relative to the standard V-SMOW. Figure
16.6 (see also color
version) is a compilation of d18O
and d15N values of nitrate. Surprisingly,
there is almost an 80‰ range in d18O
values, corresponding to a 30‰ range in d15N
values. Most of the spread in d18O
values is caused by precipitation samples, but there is also considerable
variability in nitrate-d18O values
in streams and soils. Although the oxygens in nitrate are thought to be
derived from atmospheric O2 (about +23‰; Kroopnick and Craig,
1972) and environmental H2O (normal range: -30 to +5‰), the
larger range of nitrate-d18O values
indicates that oxygen isotopes in nitrate are fractionated from their source
compositions during atmospheric processes.
16.4.1 Atmospheric nitrate
There are limited data on the d18O
of nitrate in atmospheric deposition, with almost nothing known about possible
spatial or temporal variability, or their causes. The first published data
on the d18O of nitrate in precipitation
were from forests in Bavaria, in Germany (Voerkelius, 1990; Durka et al.,
1994), and showed a relatively tight cluster of d18O
values in the range of +55 to +75‰. A much larger range of values (+18
to +70‰) was observed for some 110 rain, throughfall, snow, and snowmelt
samples from three forested USGS research sites in the USA (Loch Vale,
CO; Catskills, NY; and Sleepers River, VT), with an average of +45 ±15‰
(Kendall et al., in review). A set of data (n = 62) from forests in north-western
Germany (Muensterland, near Dortmund) show a range of about +23 to +58‰,
with an average of about +36 ±9‰ (Bernhard Mayer, pers. comm. 1998),
and a set from sites in east-central Canada show a range of about +28 to
+51 (Sherry Schiff, pers. comm. 1998).
16.7 shows all available nitrate-d18O
values for precipitation (which includes values for rain, throughfall,
snow, and snowmelt). Two different histograms are shown: (1) all data,
and (2) only data from North America, most of which is from the three USGS
sites mentioned above. The average nitrate-d18O
value for the entire precipitation data set is +43.6 ± 14.6‰ (n=232).
There are no statistically significant differences among different types
of precipitation for the data set as a whole; however, there often are
consistent differences for sample types at an individual site (e.g., nitrate-d18O
values in snowmelt at Loch Vale are usually lower than the values in snow,
perhaps because of infiltration by rain with lower nitrate-d18O
Possible explanations for the large range in d18O
values include fractionations associated with nitrate formation in thunderstorms,
incomplete combustion of fossil fuels in power plants and vehicle exhaust,
and photochemical reactions in the atmosphere. Some of these processes
have been shown to fractionate nitrogen isotopes (Heaton, 1990). Given
the large d15N range of nitrate and
ammonium produced by different reactions and degrees of equilibration in
the atmosphere (Heaton, 1987; Freyer, 1991), and the high d18O
values reported for ozone and other nitrogen and carbon oxides in the atmosphere
(Wahlen and Yoshinari, 1985; Krankowsky et al., 1995; Röckmann et
al., 1998), it is likely that "natural" atmospheric nitrate has a wide
range of d18O values too. Furthermore,
since Heaton (1990) reported that the d15N
of NOx from coal exhaust was about 10‰ heavier than NOx
from automobile exhaust, it is possible that these different anthropogenic
sources of atmospheric nitrate may also have characteristic d18O
values. Heaton (1990) attributed the different d15N
values to kinetic fractionations associated with the reversible reaction
N2 + O2 <=> NOx + N; these reactions
probably would cause similar kinetic fractionations of the O isotopes.
Hence, the combined use O and N isotopes is likely to be useful for tracking
different kinds of pollutants -- if not on a global scale than perhaps
on a regional scale.
What evidence is there that different natural and/or anthropogenic atmospheric
nitrate sources might have different d18O
values? The bimodal distribution of North American data in Figure
16.7 (and perhaps the non-normal distribution of the entire data set)
show moderate evidence of at least 2 sources and/or processes affecting
the compositions. The lower mode is centered around values of +22 to +28‰,
and the higher mode (or modes) has values centering around +56 to +64‰.
Prior to the first reported analyses from Bavaria, it had been speculated
that "natural" atmospheric nitrate d18O
values might be around +23‰, the d18O
value of atmospheric O2. However, given the large d15N
range of nitrate and ammonium produced by different reactions and degrees
of equilibration in the atmosphere (Heaton, 1987; Freyer, 1991), and the
high d18O values reported for ozone
and other nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere, it is likely that "natural"
atmospheric nitrate has a wide range of d18O
values. More recently, some nitrate-rich salts from deserts in northern
Chile and southern California (USA) that have d15N
values near 0‰ and d18O values between
+30 and +50‰ have been tentatively interpreted as evidence for long-term
accumulation of atmospheric N deposition in hyper-arid environments (Böhlke
et al., 1997). The best way to determine the pre-industrial atmospheric
nitrate isotopic composition is by analysis of NO3 in ice cores.
Until this is accomplished, all we have are speculations. However, it appears
likely that the O in nitrate with d18O
values close to that of atmospheric O2 is probably derived from
the atmospheric O2, with the slight enrichments in 18O
perhaps caused by kinetic fractionations during "back reaction" of NOx
to O2.
All the data reported for precipitation in Bavaria (+50 to +70‰) plot
within the high-d18O mode. This part
of Europe has high concentrations of nitrate in precipitation, many acid-rain
damaged forests, and is downwind of highly industrialized parts of central
Europe. Hence, one possible explanation for the high d18O
values of nitrate in precipitation in Bavaria is that the values may reflect
an anthropogenic pollution source, perhaps derived from fossil fuel burning.
The samples from Muensterland, further from coal-burning centers of central
Europe, have considerably lower d18O
values. Although there is no obvious correlation between nitrate loading
and the d18O values of nitrate among
the three well-studied USA catchments, the lower values from sites in less-densely
inhabited and industrialized Canada provide some support of this hypothesis.
It should be noted that the bimodal distribution seen in North American
samples is not apparent in the entire data set. In fact, there is even
some evidence that there may be another "source" around +45‰ in the North
American data set. The lack of a bimodal distribution in Europe may indicate
that the sources are more interspersed or that there is better atmospheric
It is possible that methodological problems are causing some of the
variations seen in Figure
16.7. Analysis of nitrate for d18O
is both time-consuming and analytically difficult, which is why there are
so few data available. It should be noted that the Bavarian samples were
all analyzed using the Amberger and Schmidt (1987) mercury cyanide method
whereas all the other samples were analyzed using various modifications
of the silver nitrate method of Silva et al. (in review). Furthermore,
incomplete removal of DOC, a problem that has plagued users of both methods,
can have a significant effect on the d18O
of the nitrate, with some samples (e.g., throughfall and snowmelt) having
probably higher concentrations than other forms of precipitation; contamination
by DOC-oxygen probably results in mid-range d18O
values. In our lab, "blanks" have d18O
values in the range of +20 to +30‰ and we have noticed that small samples
often have lower-than-expected d18O
values, possibly because of contamination.
Given the international interest in solving acid-rain problems, it is
surprising that so little attention has been focused on the possibility
of tracking different sources of atmospheric nitrate by its O and N isotopic
composition. From the data presented above, it is not unreasonable to speculate
that processes in coal-fired power plants may produce nitrate with high
d15N and d18O
values, car-combustion processes may produce nitrate with low d15N
(and perhaps low d18O) values, and
natural atmospheric processes appear to produce nitrate with low to intermediate
d18O values and intermediate d15N
values. More data are certainly needed to assess processes controlling
the spatial and temporal ranges in isotopic composition. For example, because
the d18O of the precipitation reflects
changes in air-mass sources, there may be a correlation between water d18O
and nitrate d18O values in precipitation
16.4.2 Synthetic fertilizers and reagent
Amberger and Schmidt (1987) analyzed a number of types of anthropogenic
nitrates and determined that synthetic nitrate formed from atmospheric
oxygen has a distinctive d18O value
(+18 to +22‰). All three oxygens in this nitrate are derived from atmospheric
O2 (+23‰), and hence the d18O
values are similar to that of O2.
16.5 Tracing Sources and Cycling of Nitrate
Under ideal circumstances, stable nitrogen isotopes offer a direct means
of source identification because the two major sources of nitrate in many
agricultural areas, fertilizer and manure, generally have isotopically
distinct d15N values (Figure
16.4). Hence, under favorable conditions, the relative contributions
of these two sources to groundwater or surface water can be estimated by
simple mass balance. Soil-derived nitrate and fertilizer nitrate commonly
have overlapping d15N values, preventing
their separation using d15N alone
An early attempt to use natural d15N
values to determine sources of nitrate in surface waters (Kohl et al.,
1971) received a highly critical response (Hauck et al., 1972). This was
partly because the use of the d15N
values of fertilizer and animal waste to trace their relative contributions
to groundwater is complicated by several reactions (e.g., ammonia volatilization,
nitrification, denitrification, ion exchange, and plant uptake) taking
place within the hydrologic system that can significantly modify the d15N
values. Furthermore, mixing of point and non-point sources along shallow
flowpaths makes determination of sources and extent of denitrification
very difficult. Because of all these problems, attempts to use d15N
for tracing the source and fate of nitrate in groundwaters and surface
waters often have only limited success, despite the moderately good separation
of d15N values (Figure
16.4). But it is interesting to note that the many subsequent isotopic
studies of nitrate sources in groundwater did not elicit much controversy
at all, perhaps because they considered in more detail the effects of denitrification
and other d15N-altering processes.
Many have speculated that analysis of the d18O
of nitrate in conjunction with d15N
would significantly improve our ability to trace nitrate sources and cycling.
16.9 (see also color
version) is a "simplified" version of Figure
16.6 (see also color
version) and shows the normal range of d18O
and d15N values for the dominant
sources of nitrate. Nitrate derived from ammonium fertilizer, soil organic
matter, and animal manure have overlapping d18O
values; for these sources, d15N is
a better discriminator. In contrast, nitrate derived from nitrate fertilizer
or atmospheric sources are readily separable from microbial nitrate using
d18O, even though the d15N
values are overlapping. From the few dual-isotope studies of groundwater
nitrate that have been conducted thus far (Böttcher et al., 1990;
Aravena et al., 1993; Wassenaar, 1995), it is not yet clear how useful
d18O will be in source characterization
in groundwater. However, the dual isotope method has proved quite
useful for source identification in some surface-water studies (Ging
et al., 1996; Kendall et al., 1995b, 1996), as described in Sections 16.6.1
and 16.6.2.
The following sections discuss various isotopic techniques for determining
the relative contributions of different sources of nitrate (i.e., how to
resolve mixing problems), and several different methods for recognizing
and accounting for the impact of denitrification on isotopic compositions
and water chemistry. Section 16.6 presents several case studies in more
detail. But the reader must not be mislead into thinking that the successful
solution of the mixing algebra insures that the source determinations are
It is difficult to determine realistic isotopic compositions of proposed
endmembers and assumptions of conservative mixing are always dubious when
biologically labile materials are concerned. On a similar theme, Handley
and Scrimgeour (1997) concluded their monograph on the application of d15N
to ecosystem studies with several "words to the wise" about successful
uses of d15N, including (1) don't
overinterpret the data, and (2) be careful about attempting to apply "univariate
isotope theory to multivariate field problems."
16.5.1 Mixing
If nitrate in groundwater or surface water derives from the mixing of
two different sources that are known to have distinctive d15N
values, in the absence of any subsequent fractionations, the relative contributions
of each can readily be calculated. Many articles have illustrated this
point on d15N versus NO3
concentration plots, showing that mixtures must plot on a line between
the two "endmember" compositions. However, such mixing lines are truly
straight only when d15N values
are plotted against 1/NO3 (see Chapter 2). On the standard d15N
vs. NO3 plots, mixing lines are hyperbolic unless the NO3
contents of the endmembers are identical. An example of this is given in
16.10a (from Mariotti et al., 1988) where two waters with nitrate concentrations
of 0.2 and 10 mg/L mix together; note that the curvature of the mixing
line is very slight for some mixing proportions.
Unfortunately, life is rarely this simple. There are multiple potential
sources of nitrate in various ecosystems, the sources rarely have constant
compositions, and even if they did, the initial compositions may have been
altered by various fractionating processes before or after mixing. Hence,
estimates of relative contributions will often be only qualitative. In
particular, denitrification can greatly complicate the interpretation of
d15N values because the exponential
increase in d15N of residual nitrate
with decreasing NO3 content caused by denitrification can sometimes
be confused with mixing of nitrate sources. For example, on Figure
16.10a, all three curves are almost linear for nitrate concentrations
of 2 to 10. Hence, an incautious worker could try to interpret all three
as mixing lines. However, as shown on Figure
16.10b, two of these curves are exponential relations resulting from
denitrification, not mixing lines.
Mixing of sources can sometimes be resolved by analysis of both the
d18O and the d15N
of nitrate (or other semi-conservative chemical tracers). This dual-isotope
approach has three main potential benefits: (1) oxygen isotopic separation
of some sources is greater than for nitrogen isotopes, allowing better
source resolution by having two tracers, (2) some nitrate sources that
are presently indistinguishable with d15N
alone (e.g., fertilizer vs. soil nitrate, or atmospheric vs. soil nitrate)
may be identified only when the d18O
of nitrate is analyzed, and (3) oxygen isotopic compositions of nitrate
vary systematically with nitrogen isotopic compositions during denitrification
(as illustrated in Figure
16.9). Thus, in systems where the dominant sources of nitrate are isotopically
distinctive, source contributions can -- in theory -- be determined despite
significant denitrification.
16.5.2 Denitrification
Denitrification is the process that poses most difficulties for simple
applications of nitrate isotopes. Hence, for successful applications of
nitrate isotopes for tracing sources, it is critical to (1) determine if
denitrification has occurred, and, if so (2) determine what was the initial
isotopic composition of the nitrate (which is a necessary prerequisite
for later attempts to define sources). There are many methods for identifying
and quantifying denitrification in groundwater; some of these are applicable
to soils and aquatic systems too. The following discussion focuses on several
of the most commonly applied field-geochemical methods for quantifying
denitrification. Common biological methods for quantifying denitrification,
conducted either in the laboratory or in the field -- including 15N
tracer additions to chambers (Mosier and Schimel, 1993), acetylene inhibition
chamber methods, acetylene inhibition soil- core methods, and denitrification
enzyme assay techniques -- will not be discussed here.
Geochemical signature
Denitrification leaves a geochemical signature that can be interpreted
as evidence for its occurrence and extent. The most obvious evidence for
denitrification is the presence of a redox gradient that generates a series
of oxidation-reduction reactions, including the reduction of nitrate in
the appropriate position in the sequence. Hence, in a closed system, denitrification
occurs between the disappearance of dissolved O2 by aerobic
respiration and the appearance of Mn2+ and Fe2+,
if minerals containing these elements exist in the system (Mariotti et
al., 1988). Denitrification and other reduction reactions (i.e., reactions
that consume acidity) in groundwater are usually associated with significant
increases in alkalinity (mostly bicarbonate) resulting from oxidation of
organic matter. The newly formed bicarbonate (d13C~
-23‰) may be isotopically distinctive relative to original bicarbonate
(d13C~ -12‰). Thus, evaluation of
the changes in d13C value with reaction
progress can, in theory, provide supporting evidence for denitrification
or allow estimation of the extent of denitrification (Aravena and Robertson,
1998; also Chapter 18).
Enrichment in 15N
During denitrification, the d15N
value of the residual nitrate increases in proportion to the logarithm
of the residual nitrate fraction (Figure
16.3). This can be expressed using the classical Rayleigh equation,
that may be approximated in some situations (Mariotti et al., 1982) as:
dR = dRo
+ e ln C/Co (Eq.
dR is the
value of the reactant nitrate at time t,
is the initial
d15N value of the
nitrate, C is the NO
3 content at time t, C
o is the
initial NO
3 content, and
e is the
enrichment factor (with
e < 0 to make the
algebra work).
16.10a shows curves for the
values resulting from denitrification with two different fractionation
factors, plus a curve for mixing with a dilute water with a different
value. Since mixing and denitrification curves can be similar, data should
also be plotted as
d15N vs. 1/NO
(which will yield a straight line for mixtures of two sources), and
vs. ln NO
3 (which will yield a straight line for any process,
like denitrification, which can be described using the Rayleigh equation
-- i.e., any exponential relation). Under favorable circumstances, plotting
data in this way (
16.10b) can provide supporting evidence for the determination of whether
mixing or denitrification has occurred (Mariotti et al., 1988), and can
be used to estimate the enrichment factor and initial conditions.
A large range of isotopic enrichment factors for denitrification (e
= -40 to -5‰) have been calculated (see Hübner, 1986), determined
in laboratory experiments (Delwiche and Steyn, 1970), measured in the soil
(Mariotti et al., 1982), and observed in marine studies (Cline and Kaplan,
1975). However, Mariotti et al. (1988) noted that at many sites where denitrification
in groundwater was identified by the above method, the e
values showed a more narrow range of about -5 to -8‰. What causes this
large range of observed enrichment factors? Mariotti et al. (1988) presented
two hypotheses.
One explanation is that the denitrification rate is the main control
on the enrichment factor. Hence, denitrification is a first-order reaction
where slow rates (caused by low temperatures or low quantities of electron
donors) result in larger fractionations (Mariotti et al., 1982). Therefore,
small e values near -5‰ suggest relatively rapid
denitrification, and large fractionations, such as the -30 ±6‰ reported
by Vogel et al. (1981) for denitrification in groundwater under the Kalahari
desert, would indicate a slow denitrification rate. This model is consistent
with the 14,000 years Vogel et al. (1981) estimated for the time required
to account for present conditions in the Kalahari aquifer.
An alternate explanation, elegantly presented by Mariotti et al. (1988),
is that relatively impermeable aquifers may provide a sink for nitrate
that effectively reduces the enrichment factor. For example, the porosity
of chalk can exceed 40% of the total volume, yet 90% of the porosity is
dead-end pores where the water is virtually immobile. In these pores, denitrification
can proceed to completion, catalyzed by bacteria on the walls of the pores.
Consequently, the nitrate concentrations within the pores are lower than
in nearby flowpaths where waters travel more rapidly. This concentration
gradient between the low-nitrate pores and the high-nitrate flowpaths,
causes molecular diffusion of nitrate into the pores, which act as an effective
sink for nitrate. Mariotti et al. (1988) further observe that the isotope
effect associated with diffusion should be small or nonexistent, resulting
in a smaller net enrichment factor. One consequence of this model is that
a change in hydrologic conditions (e.g., an increase in pumping rate in
the aquifer), should result in a significant decrease in denitrification
Mariotti et al. (1988) conclude that the use of nitrate-d15N
to study denitrification processes is well suited to groundwater investigations,
and is easier to apply than using the d15N
of dissolved N2 because of (1) the relative ease of collection
and preservation of nitrate samples compared to samples of N2
gas, (2) the complications associated with accurate determination of the
fraction of N2 produced by denitrification, and (3) uncertainty
whether there is a simple Rayleigh relation between the N2 produced
by denitrification and reaction progress.
Isotopes can also be used to study denitrification in soils (Delwiche
and Steyn, 1970; Mariotti et al., 1981) and the hyporheic zone (McMahon
and Böhlke, 1996). As discussed in section 16.3.5, the commonly observed
increase in d15N in soils with decreasing
nitrate concentration may, in part, be due to denitrification. A study
by Koba et al. (1997) uses the relative changes in d15N,
nitrate concentration, and water chemistry in soils to conclude that intermittent
denitrification is occurring in anaerobic microsites of otherwise aerobic
soils as the water table rises in response to storm events and pores become
temporarily waterlogged.
Excess N2
The dominant N-bearing product of denitrification is N2;
the intermediate N-bearing byproducts (NO2, NO, N2O)
are generally in low abundance. The dissolved N2 in groundwater
consists of atmospheric N2 incorporated during recharge, plus
N2 produced by denitrification. If the dissolved N2
in groundwater is measured, the amount of excess N2 produced
by denitrification can sometimes be estimated. In addition, the dissolved
N2 can be analyzed for d15N,
the d15N value of excess N2
can be estimated, and this information can be used to estimate both the
extent of denitrification and initial composition of the nitrate (Vogel
et al., 1981; Böhlke and Denver, 1995; McMahon and Böhlke, 1996).
16.3 shows how the d15N value
of N2 is affected by the fractionation factor and the extent
of denitrification (reaction progress).
Several studies have evaluated the extent of denitrification in aquifers
by analysis of the d15N of dissolved
N2, and then calculation of the d15N
of the excess N2 (Vogel et al., 1981; Wilson et al., 1990; Böhlke
and Denver, 1995; McMahon and Böhlke, 1996; Böhlke et al., in
review). The relative contributions of original atmospheric N2
and excess N2 can be estimated in several ways. If the atmospheric
N2 content of recharge waters were only a function of temperature,
the initial N2 content could be calculated (1) if the average
recharge temperature were known, or (2) from the measurement of the noble
gas composition of the sample (i.e., Xe, Ne, Ar, etc.) because these will
behave conservatively in groundwater after recharge.
Measurement of the N2/Ar ratio in groundwater is one way
to estimate the excess N2 produced by denitrification. This
ratio varies only slightly with temperature (37.3 at 5oC, to
38.3 at 20oC) in air-equilibrated water. However, solution of
small air bubbles (with N2/Ar ratio of 83.5) during infiltration,
because of increases in hydrostatic pressure as waters migrate downwards,
causes groundwaters to have higher ratios than expected for the recharge
temperature (Wilson et al., 1994). The amount of this entrained air can
also be quantified by determining the "neon index" -- the ratio of the
measured Ne content and the expected air-equilibrated Ne content at the
derived recharge temperature (Wilson et al., 1994). Values greater than
1 indicate supersaturation with entrained air. A study of nitrate in a
sandstone aquifer in England, concluded that N2/Ar ratios higher
than 44 were evidence of N2 from denitrification (Wilson et
al., 1994).
Böhlke and Denver (1995) used the difference in the N2
contents of the suboxic-denitrified waters (NO3-free) and air-saturated
water samples with the same Ar concentration as an upper limit for the
amount of excess N2, as shown in Figure
16.11a. The upper limit of 135µM of excess N2 is equivalent
to 270 µM reduced NO3. After adjustment for the small
(0.7‰) isotopic enrichment caused by solution (Klots and Benson, 1963),
the d15N of excess N2
can be calculated by simple mass balance. Figure
16.11b shows the estimated d15N
values for the excess N2 in the samples plotted in Figure
16.11a range from +2 to +5‰. This range is indistinguishable from the
range of d15N of NO3 in
oxic groundwaters from the same location where no denitrification has occurred;
complete denitrification should produce N2 with the same d15N
as the initial NO3. The negative correlation between the d15N
values of N2 and Ar/N2 ratio indicates that the dissolved
N2 in the denitrified waters was a mixture of atmospheric N2
and N2 produced by denitrification.
Enrichment in 18O and 15N of nitrate
Denitrification causes increases in the d15N
and d18O of the residual nitrate
16.9). Although field and laboratory studies have recorded a wide range
of kinetic enrichment factors for both isotopes as a function of local
conditions, in each case the ratio of enrichment of oxygen to nitrogen
was close to 1:2 (Olleros, 1983; Amberger and Schmidt, 1987; Böttcher
et al., 1990; Voerkelius and Schmidt, 1990; Kendall and McMahon, unpublished
data). Therefore, denitrification produces a distinctive isotopic signature
on d15N vs. d18O
plots (i.e., slopes of about 0.5). The two irregular lines of groundwater
samples with high d18O and d15N
values on Figure
16.6b are mostly from denitrification studies by Böttcher et al.
(1990) and Aravena et al. (1998); these are the upper and lower lines,
16.9 can be used to illustrate a useful application of this characteristic
enrichment in the 18O of nitrate for a situation where d15N
values are ambiguous, based on a true situation. Local water managers were
concerned that a public-water supply well downgradient from a heavily fertilized
(KNO3) orchard had elevated NO3 contents. Although
the managers were convinced that fertilizer was the source of the nitrate,
they wanted "proof" and had a few samples analyzed for d15N.
To their surprise, the d15N values
ranged from +5 to +6‰, which did not provide support for their theory because
this value is higher than the compositions expected for fertilizer (0 ±2‰).
Were they wrong about the nitrate source? The measured values could
indicate mixing with an additional source of nitrate (e.g., leaking septic
tanks or local manure sources), that the fertilizer had a higher d15N
value than expected (see Figure
16.4), or they could be caused by denitrification. Analysis of a few
NO3 samples for d18O could
have helped resolve this question because significant denitrification of
fertilizer results in different d18O
values than mixing of fertilizer and manure (Figure
Another powerful application of the dual isotope method takes advantage
of the apparently constant ratios of 18O and 15N
enrichment (Dd18O/Dd15N)
factors during denitrification. If the ratio is constant, and the d15N
and d18O compositions of the two
potential sources of nitrate contributing to groundwater are known, are
distinguishable, and do not show much scatter in composition, in theory
the "original" relative contributions of these two sources to the nitrate
in any sample of groundwater can be estimated from the d15N
and d15O values of the nitrate (Figure
16.12). Furthermore, if the ratio is consistent over a wide range of
field conditions, it should be possible to determine the source contributions
in a two-source situation regardless of the effects of denitrification.
Such estimations are not affected by the extent or timing of denitrification
and mixing, or the spatial arrangement of the sources (i.e., point versus
non-point sources). A more complete description of this model is given
by Kendall et al. (1995c).
16.8 Summary
The dominant use of isotopes in catchment research in the last few decades
has been to trace sources of waters and solutes. Generally such data were
evaluated with simple mixing models to determine how much was derived from
either of two (sometimes three) constant-composition sources. The world
does not seem this simple anymore. With the expansion of the field of isotope
hydrology in the last decade, made possible by the development and increased
availability of automated preparation and analysis systems for mass spectrometers,
we have documented considerable heterogeneity in the isotopic compositions
of various sources of waters and solutes, including nitrate. We are still
grappling with how to deal with this heterogeneity in our hydrologic and
geochemical models. A major challenge is to use the variability as signal,
not noise, in our models; the isotopes and chemistry are providing very
detailed information about sources and reactions in shallow systems, if
only we can develop appropriate models to use the data. This integration
of chemical and isotopic data with complex hydrologic models constitutes
an important frontier of catchment research.