Tracers in Catchment Hydrology (1998), C. Kendall and J. J. McDonnell
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 839 p.
a, alpha particle 54, 251
a, fractionation factor 59
Ablation 123
Acid rain 556
age-dating onset 538
forest decline 559
nitrogen-limited systems 560
precipitation 540-542, 771
pollution changes 556, 566
reversed acidification experiment 428
sources of nitrogen in acid-rain
affected forested catchment 556
Activity, isotope definition 75
Agricultural practices see also Plants
age dating pollution changes 556, 566
agricultural and urban sources of nitrate
546, 552
animal waste 532, 534, 546
buffer strips 555
effects of land-management practices
on water quality 566
fertilizers 532, 534, 542, 546
irrigation drainage return flows 443
isotopic discrimination of nitrate
sources 553
labeled-tracer studies 560
landuse changes 566
nitrate concentration and CFC age 768
nitrate source, distinguishing 553
nitrogen-limited systems 560
productivity 560
salinity build-up and flushing 452, 552
synthetic fertilizers and reagents 542
use of a multi-tracer approach 568
water quality 552, 564, 566
water use efficiency 166, 790
Air masses 94, 96, 101, 102
D and 18O content 101, 102
rainout 94, 96
systems 89-91
Albedo 3, 25
Allequash Creek, Wisconsin, USA
Alpha-particle recoil 255, 617
Altitude (elevation) effect 101
Aluminum-26 (26Al) 647, 655
decrease of 26Al during sediment
storage and transport 655
Amargosa Desert, USA 456
Amazon Basin, South America 109
Ammonification 527
Amount effect 102, 107
AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) 77
Analytical instruments 75
AMS 77
continuous flow mass spectrometry 76
dual inlet mass spectrometry 75
gas and liquid scintillation counters 76
gas-source mass spectrometers 75, 565
solid-source mass spectrometer 76
Animal waste 530, 532, 534
Annual precipitation 102
average d18O 102
time series 104
3H 112
Antecedent Precipitation Index (API) 355
Apex River, Baffin Island, Canada 126
Aquifer see also Groundwater, 3
interconnections 233
recharge 214-217
residence time 231, 255
water age 237
Aquitard 3
Arctic hydrology 132
Argon-39 (39Ar) 210
Arid catchments 435
Amargosa Desert and Death Valley,
California/Nevada, USA 456
atmospheric trajectory 437
Bishop Creek watershed, California,
USA. 445
Budyko ratio 436
characteristics 435
36Cl 458
Colorado River, USA 446
deuterium excess ('d') 452
diffuse infiltration and recharge 449
ephemeral rivers 450
episodic cycles of infiltration 448, 449
evaporation 448, 449
evaporation line 447, 448
focused infiltration 450
Gordonia district, South Africa 450
Great Artesian Basin, Australia 456
groundwater 439, 451
groundwater mining 437
infiltration and recharge 447
Kalahari Desert, Africa 452
Lake Tahoe, California, USA 440
lakes 440
MWL slope 438
Nile River, Egypt/Sudan 443, 448
non-traditional techniques 455
plant communities 179
precipitation 437, 439
rate of infiltration 461
River Murray, Australia 444
rivers 441, 446
salinity build-up and flushing 452
sampling in arid regions 453
soil water 446
Surprise Valley, California, USA. 440
transpiration 447
Ash Meadows, Nevada, USA 456, 457
Assimilation of nitrogen 527
Atmospheric CO2 106
Atmospheric deposition
see also Precipitation
dry deposition 263, 566
nitrogen isotopes 532, 539, 540, 771
sulfur isotopes 495, 773-775
Atmospheric oxygen, d18O 94, 542
Atmospheric processes 21, 495
evaporation 19-21
leaf-atmosphere interface 173
pressure 21
relative humidity 89
soil-atmosphere interface 13
vapor pressure 6
Atmospheric water vapor 106, 109
Amazon Basin, South America 109
exchange with vapor 106
re-evaporated moisture 109
Aufeis 130
Babinda, Australia
see Chapter 11, 349, 350
Bacteria 494, 526
microbe preferences 525, 542
microbial nitrate 542, 544
N-fixation 526
Nitrosomonas 528
Nitrobacter 528
Pseudomonas denitrificans 530
Thiobacillus denitrificans 53
Barometric pressure 22
Baseflow 3
definition 3
separation 2
Bavaria, Germany 512, 539, 541
Bear Brook watershed, Maine, USA
502, 504, 505, 510, 512, 561
Beryllium-10 (10Be) 279
basin scale erosion rates 653
cosmogenic nuclides 257
effect of slope 653
end-member mixing 652
fundamentals 279, 280, 647
Luquillo Experimental Forest,
Puerto Rico, USA 651, 652
(10Be/26Al) 653
Beryllium-7 (7Be) 257, 668
erosional processes 668
fundamentals 280
penetration depth 667
Bicarbonate see also DIC, 631
Bickford watershed, Massachusetts,
USA 699, 702
Big Creek and Big Otter Creek,
Ontario, Canada 331
Big Muskellunge Lake, Wisconsin,
USA 474-484, 628, 629
Bird migration 768
Birkenes catchment, Norway 341
Bishop Creek watershed, California,
USA 445
Black Forest, Germany 507, 513
Bomb peak / bomb pulse 258
BOREAS 587, 588, 589
Boron Isotopes (11B) 279, 641
boron isotopic fractionation 642
function of pH 642
methods 642
Bowen ratio 3
Bowen's Reaction Series 254-255
Buskbacken, Sweden 407
Budyko ratio 436
C3, C4, and CAM plants 578, 783
Calcium-41 (41Ca) 257, 281
Canada 309, 331, 506
lacustrine environments 793, 794
peat bogs 593-595
rainfall-runoff studies 324, 415
sulfur dynamics 493, 499
snowmelt studies 125, 409, 421
Canopy see also Throughfall, 8, 108
effects on tracers 338
resistance parameter 23
Canterbury Plains, South Island,
New Zealand 236
Cañon Diablo Troilite (CDT) 56, 491
Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA 297
Capillary fringe 3, 12
Carbon cycling see also Soils, 577
atmospheric carbon dioxide 580, 602
carbon budget 602
carbon dynamics in plants 588, 603
carbon isotopes 598
13C and carbon turnover in soils 590
14C ages of soil organic matter
581, 584, 585
effect of fire 587
effect of soil moisture on plant 790
flowpaths, rationale for use 611
fundamentals 578
isotope fractionation during
methanogenesis 595
isotopes in bird feathers and bones 770
lithologic sources 636
methane flux 593, 594
methane oxidation 594
missing sink 603
nitrogen, sulfur, hydrogen isotopes in
organic matter 599
organic pools 585
peatlands 593
photosynthetic pathways 578
plant cellulose studies 789
plants 578, 783
range of d13C values 579
reactions that produce DIC 618
residence time of soil carbon 582
shallow versus deep flowpaths 630, 635
soil CO2 and organics 579
Carbon dioxide
see also Carbon cycling, 580
temporal trend of atmospheric 14C 580
Carbon-13 (13C) of DIC 577, 617
analysis in water 73
Ca/Si and Ca/SO4 in streams 630
carbonic acid weathering 633
13C of streamwater 633
DIC 618, 625, 635
DIC-d13C and soil thickness 635
methane 593
range of d13C 579
reactions that produce DIC 618
shallow versus deep flowpaths 630, 635
solute isotope characteristics 639
sources of DIC 618
two end-member mixing model 638
uses in catchments 641
values of materials in catchments 618
weathering reactions 611
Carbon-14 (14C) 257, 577, 647
active organic pool 585
AMS 73
anthropogenic sources 579
atmospheric activity 578
14C and carbon turnover in soils 585
14C-free CO2 230
14C of soil organic matter 584
14C versus 13C 229
chronosequences 586
dating alluvial fan surfaces 585
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) 599
effect of dispersion 227
effect of model type 231
evolution of 14C age of soil 583
groundwater dating 218
groundwater mixing 275
methods of reporting 14C data 581
porewater dissolved organic carbon
(DOC) 593
residence time of soil carbon 582
steady-state input rate 582
temporal trend of atmospheric 14C 580
Carbonates 210
authigenic carbonates in lakes 795
carbon dioxide dissolution 210
14C versus 13C 229
14C-free deep CO2 230
controls of lake d13C 795
flow models 228
paleoclimatic indicators 782
variations in d18O in vein calcite
Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, USA 107
Carter's Creek, Tennessee, USA 689-691
Catchment 3
Catchment fraction 129, 411
Cation exchange 622
Catoctin Mountain, Maryland, USA
635, 637
Caves 108, 659
dating speleothems 659
source of sediments in karsts 670
Cellulose 786, 791
dD (cell) - temperature relations 788
dD of cellulose nitrate 193
determination of temperature
coefficient 787
leaf-water cellulose 194
use in lake studies 792
use of carbon isotopes 789
Central Valley, California, USA 268
Cesium-137 (137Cs) 647, 661
activity depth profiles 664
atmospheric flux 660
Chernobyl 661, 663
geomorphic history 659
paired nuclide studies 662
penetration depth 661, 667
soils 661
source of eroded particles 663
Channel precipitation 3
Charlotte Harbor, Florida, USA
705-708, 711
Chemical tracers see also
Hydrograph separation, 718, 751
dye study results 718
EMMA 376
generalization 477, 751
hydrograph separation 416, 751
rapid dissolution of silica 416
silica versus isotopes 414
Chernobyl effects 661, 663
Lake Heimdalsvatn, Norway 665
River Ore, Sweden 666
Chlorine-36 (36Cl) 257-259, 265, 266
arid applications 270, 458
calibration procedure 304
chloride mass-balance 270
deep groundwater discharge 308
flowpaths/flowrates 274
fundamentals 279, 459
general 257-259, 303
groundwater mixing 274-276
in precipitation, United States 265, 458
in situ production 304
infiltration through the unsaturated
zone 270
recharge mechanisms 212
solid to liquid mass transfer 304
sources 303
streamflow 276
thermonuclear 36Cl in water 265, 266
transpiration 272
uncertainty in groundwater ages 304
uptake and recycling by vegetation 271
Wawona Catchment, Yosemite
National Park, California, USA
265, 272, 273
Chlorine-37 (37Cl ) 279
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 299, 460
age profiles 306
age-dating pollution changes
538, 556, 566
apparent CFC ages 300
atmospheric concentrations over
time 300
Death Valley, California, USA 456
degradation 301
effect of dispersion 301
equilibrium with the atmosphere 301
fundamentals 299
measurements 300
sorption of CFCs 301
transport and biochemical
processes 301
use in arid catchments 460
Chronosequences 586
Climate change
see Environmental change
Closed system conditions 61, 67, 95
CO2, atmospheric 580, 602
Coastal plant communities 186
Collection see Sample collection
Colorado River, USA 179, 446, 450
Compound-specific IRMS 565
Concentration gradient 142
Condensation 64, 89
Conservation equations
(mass/isotopes) 150
Contaminant hydrology 551
Continental effect 100, 101, 104, 108
amount effect 102
elevation effect 101
latitude effect 102
Continuity equation 1
Convective systems 104
Convolution integral 734, 737
Cores, snow 125-126
Cosmic radiation 257
Craig, meteoric relationship 65, 91
Craig-Gordon model 68
Crystal Lake, Wisconsin, USA
474, 628, 629
Cul-de-Sac plain, Haiti Republic 235
Cumulative evaporation in a soil
column 153
Dalton equation 20
Darcy's law 15, 147
Death Valley, USA 476
Decay equation
see Radioactive decay, 55
Decay mechanisms, radioactive 54, 56
Decay series 681
Definitions 3-6
Deforestation 190, 191
Delayed flow 352
Delmarva Peninsula, USA
555, 767, 768
Delta (d), definition 55
comparatives 55
heavy/light 55
Dendrochronology 785
reconstruction 785
Denitrification 530
enrichment in 18O 550-552
enrichment in 15N 547-550
excess N2 525, 550, 551
geochemical signature 548
Rayleigh fractionation 524-525, 544
Denudation see Erosion
Desertification 190
Deuterium (2H, D) 51
analysis in water 72
deuterium excess 119, 452
in precipitation 69, 94, 204
Devil's Hole, Nevada, USA,
d18O variations in vein calcite
777, 778
Diffusion 68, 142, 143, 154
Diffusion length scales 158
Dimethylsulfide (DMS) 495
Direct precipitation onto
saturated areas 32, 33
Dischma catchment, Switzerland 399
Dispersion model 736
Dissolved gases
see specific isotopes, 291
3H/3He 297
atmospheric partial pressure
of various gases 293
Borden aquifers 307
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) 299
excess air 59, 293
groundwater dating 294-296, 305
4He 303, 308
horizontal flow velocities 297
injected gas tracers 309, 695
85Kr 302
222Rn 309
recharge rates 297
recharge temperature 293
retardation factor 294
solubility 292
transport 291, 298
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC)
see also Carbon-13, 631, 633
carbonate systems 777
carbonic acid weathering 633
13C variation with soil thickness
631, 635
reactions that produce DIC 618
residence time 638
shallow versus deep flowpaths
630, 635
two end-member mixing model 638
Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)
see also Carbon cycling, 564, 595, 599
C, N, S, H isotopes 599
d13C and d15N
in soils and
streams 564, 598
14C 599
14C in DOC 599
DOC fractionation 597
DOC in drinking water 595
DOC in groundwater 595
DOC in lacustrine environments 600
origin in groundwater 597
radiocarbon in DOC 599
sampling 596, 598
tracing sources and sinks for DOC 564
trihalomethanes (THMs) 602
Drift Creek, Oregon, USA 653, 654
Dry deposition
see Atmospheric deposition
Eastern Uplands, New South Wales,
Australia 669
Ecosystem 519
Effective diffusivity 144, 147
Elevation effect 101
Elevation head 34
Emissivity 25
Energy balance 21
Enrichment factor (e) 59
Environmental change
see also Paleoclimate studies, 761
acid rain 556
agricultural changes 552, 556, 566
atmospheric deposition 533, 556, 771
carbon budget 602
deforestation 190
dD of cellulose nitrate 193
desertification 190
direct proxy records 762
effects of climate on
photosynthesis 790
fires 587
forest decline 559
greenhouse gases 531
groundwater dating 763
identification of paleowaters 231
landuse changes 566, 766
migratory patterns of birds 768
noble gases as paleoclimatic tools 209
nuclear events 258, 579, 661
paleoclimatic indicators 761, 776
recent environmental change 765
recent indicators 763
reconstruction of contaminant
releases 297, 556
record of water use by plants 192
stream diversions 189
the "present is the key to the past" 763
Toolik Lake, Alaska, USA 129
tree-ring data 194
use of ostracodes 799
water isotopes and global change 765
Environmental isotopes 51
Environmental tracers 764
groundwater dating 764
ideal tracer 724
Erosion rate 648
apparent rates for 14C, 26Al, 10Be
basin scale erosion rates 653
decrease of 26Al during sediment
storage and transport 655
depth distribution of atmospherically
derived 7Be, 137Cs and 210Pb 669
effects of slope 653
equation for erosion rate 648
erosion mechanisms 668
in sediments 650
material discharged from a river 651
model erosion rates for
several sites 654
non-isotopic methods 649
Erosion, weathering, and
sedimentation 647
atmospheric nuclides 655
137Cs and 210Pb 659
cosmogenic nuclides 648
lake sediments 660
radionuclides, anthropogenic 666
rainfall simulation 668
soils 661
solute sources and 87Sr/86Sr 672
238U decay series 656
water samples 662
weathering and 87Sr/86Sr 670
Estuaries, groundwater input 705
Evaporation 19, 36, 449
ablation 128
arid region lakes 440
36Cl 272
closed-system 67
Craig-Gordon model 68
D/18O cellulose isotopes and climate
information 787
deep groundwaters 453
definition 3, 128
energy balance 21
equilibrium fractionation 62
evaporated moisture equation 68
evaporated surface water 69
evaporation line 69, 447, 448
evaporatively enriched rivers 443
evapotranspirational recycling
69, 94, 110
humidity effects 67, 68
hypersaline evaporation pond 442
irrigation drainage return flows 443
isotopic change under open- and
closed-system conditions 62
kinetic constant 69
lake evaporate 471
mass transfer 20
MWL slope 438
net evaporation 145
playa lakes 440
re-evaporation 109
water-air interface 67
Evaporation lines 69, 92, 447
Evapotranspiration 69, 88, 94, 110
Budyko ratio 436
dominant factors 22
evapotranspiration flux 69
Penman's equation 23
Penman-Monteith model 24, 25
Evapotranspirational recycling 94
four identified systems 94, 96
schematic of open vs closed
systems 94
Event and pre-event water 320
Event water 3, 402, 403, 404
Excess N2 550
enrichment in 18O and 15N of nitrate 550
groundwater 549
soil water 550
Exfiltration 3
Experimental Lakes Area, Ontario,
Canada 309, 505, 506
Falling Creek basin, Georgia, USA 339
Falling limb 3
Fertilizer 532, 534, 542, 544
Ca-phosphate fertilizers 672
isotopic discrimination of nitrate sources
532, 546, 553
labeled-tracer studies 560
manure and septic waste 532, 534, 546
synthetic NH4 and NO3 532, 542, 546
Field sampling 72
C, H, N, O, S of solid samples 74
13C and 14C of DIC/DOC 73
15N of nitrate/ammonium 73
18O and D of water 72
34S of dissolved sulfate 74
lithogenic isotopes (Sr, Pb, etc.) 74
tritium 73
Fick's law 145, 148
Fires, effect on carbon cycling 587
Fishrun catchment, Pennsylvania,
USA 335
Flow models
see Groundwater modeling, 31
variable source area model (TVA) 31
Flowpaths see also
Runoff mechanisms, 28, 83
annual lateral groundwater flow 396
bypass flow 348
capillary fringe effect 30
chemical separations 416
DIC - d13C of shallow flowpaths
versus deep flowpaths 630
extrafiltration or return flow 362
Horton flow 325
hydrograph separation 414
infiltration capacity 395
injected gas tracers 309
lateral groundwater flow 396
macropore flow 31, 327
new versus old water 383
overland flow 28, 325
piston flow vs macropore flow 420
rapid dissolution of silica 416
saturation overland flow 31, 383
subsurface stormflow 325
three-component model 414
translatory flow 30
transmissivity feedback 30, 395
Fog 90, 97, 98, 186
isotopic characteristics 97, 98, 186
plant use 187
Point Reyes, California, USA 98
Food web studies 562, 768
bioaccumulation of mercury 562
biomass isotope mapping 567
bird feathers 770
compound-specific isotope ratio mass
spectrometry 565
food sources 562, 563
migratory patterns of birds 768
sources of nutrients 562, 768
trophic shifts 562
Forests 489
forest-decline 559
sulfur dynamics 489
Fractionation see Isotope fractionation
Fractionation factor (a) 59
103 ln a definition 59
enrichment factor, definition 59
Freeze thaw cycles 128
Freezing 127, 128
effects on isotopic composition
127, 128
effects on soil permeability 394
Fremont Glacier, Wyoming, USA 779
Fretwell's law 52
Fuhrberger Feld nitrate study 553
G1 catchment, Sweden 756
Gamma distribution 735
Gas tracers see Tracers, injected gas
Gases see Dissolved gases
Geochemical modeling 82, 568
Geothermal groundwater 234
Glacial ice 765
Glacial studies 777
continental glaciers 778
d13C of cellulose 791
Fremont Glacier, USA 779, 780
ice core 778
uranium-series age dates 777
Glendhu 2 watershed, New Zealand
336, 337
Global carbon budget
see Carbon budget
Global Meteoric Water Line
(GMWL) 65, 91, 92
deuterium excess 65, 69, 92
equation 65
kinetic effects 65-70, 92
Global Network for Isotopes in
Precipitation (GNIP) 88
Gordonia district, South Africa 450, 451
Goulburn, New South Wales,
Australia 668
Gravitational potential 12
Great Artesian Basin, Australia 456
Great Basin, USA 439
Greenhouse gases 531
Ground heat flux 11
Groundwater surface-water
interactions 467
Allequash Creek, Wisconsin, USA
478, 480
groundwater discharge 309
4He 309
isotope isopleths 486
Lake Barco, Florida, USA 470
lake systems 469, 471, 473
222Rn 309
stable-isotope mass-balance 471
use of tritium 339
Groundwater 203, 225
'd' value in arid groundwater 452
age 225
agricultural effects 546, 556, 566
archive of paleoclimatic information 776
capillary fringe 328
contamination 546, 553
denitrification 530, 548
diffuse infiltration and recharge 449
DOC 595, 599
double-porosity systems 228
effect of complex geology 374
enrichment in 18O and 15N of
nitrate 547-552
excess N2 531, 550
focused infiltration 450
fossil water 225, 231
geothermal groundwaters 234
groundwater mining 437
groundwater ridging 327
groundwater salinization 452, 552
groundwater-lake systems 471, 482
hydraulic interconnection 236
improvement of analytical
techniques 238
isotopic variability 373, 484
isotopic variations in recharge
waters 204
lake plume 484
mixing 547, 552
movement in confined aquifers 225
N2/Ar ratio 550
NETPATH 250, 568
nitrate sources 539, 546, 547, 553-555
noble gases as paleoclimatic tools 209
radioactive isotopes 225
recharge in arid regions 451, 452
relevance to catchments 203, 234, 537
residence times 236, 237, 339
soil water 548-550
strontium isotopes 456
studies in catchments 234
vertical mixing 233
Groundwater dating see also Groundwater
modeling, 294, 295, 296, 305, 763
3H/3He 297
age distribution 225, 296
approximate range of tracer dating 295
14C of DOC 600
carbonate systems 777
36Cl 259
CFCs 299, 538
climate change information 763
effect of model type 231
fundamentals 259
4He 303
129I 262
85Kr 302
landuse change 566, 766
noble gases as paleoclimatic tools 209
noble gases in groundwater dating 210
shallow aquifers 211
tracers for groundwater dating 764
use of calcite and clay isotopes 781
Groundwater discharge 688
estimating using 222Rn 688
use of 228Ra and 226Ra 709
Groundwater flow 32
Groundwater mixing 547, 552
Groundwater modeling 218, 221
age distribution 219, 227
age distribution function 230
calibrated flow model 297
cell in cascade 229
compartmental models 220
damping seasonal isotopic variations
dispersion coefficient 226-227
effect of complex geology 374
effect of dispersion 227
horizontal flow velocities 297
lumped-parameter models 220
mean residence time 238
mean transit time 737
mean water age 218
multi-cell, multi-tracer approach 224
multicompartmental models 222, 223
Nabelek equation 250
NETPATH 250, 568
piston-flow age 219
piston-flow model 219, 228
reaction-path models 249
recharge rates 220, 297
trace element Henry's Law behavior
vertical age distribution 218
well-mixed reservoir model 221
Groundwater recharge 215
bank filtration 215
recharge by natural lakes 215
Groundwater ridging 348, 365, 378, 384
Hail 96
Hamakua Coast, Hawaii, USA 590, 591
Harp Lake, Ontario, Canada 324, 415
Head, hydraulic 360-366
Helium-3 (3He) 647
Helium-4 (4He) 303, 308, 459
Henry's law 249, 250
High-rainfall catchments 347
Antecedent Precipitation Index
(API) 355
Babinda model 379
Babinda, Australia 349, 350
groundwater ridging 348, 365,
378, 384
hydrograph separation 376
hydrographic separation,
general considerations 368
instantaneous unit hydrograph
(IUH) 386
Maimai catchment, New Zealand 348
new water 348, 368, 383
old water 348, 383
overland flow 368, 383
quickflow/precipitation (QF/P) 348
rainfall and streamflow 374
rainfall intensities 348
rainfall-runoff relationships 367
soil and groundwater 370
storage and rainfall-runoff 355
unsaturated zone storage 382
well data 373
Hillslope processes 30
Höglwald, Germany 512, 513
Horton flow 4, 27, 29, 325, 352
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest,
New Hampshire, USA 500, 508-510
Humidity 66
deuterium excess 119, 452
effects on evaporation 67, 68
temperate catchment 348
tropical catchment 347
Hydraulic conductivity 4, 14, 16
relation to matric potential 17
values 16
Hydraulic diffusivity 15
Hydraulic lift by plants 182
hydraulic lift, equation 184
proportion of water 184
Hydrograph, definition 27
Hydrograph separation
see also Mixing models, 41
assumption of constant lag 378
Babinda, a detailed study 349, 366
Babinda model 379
Birkenes model 341, 342
carbon isotopes 633
catchment response 386
chemical separations 416
comparisons of isotopic and chemical
hydrograph separation 331, 751
compiling with dispersive exponential
models 737
continuous open system isotope mixing
model 340
cumulative amount-weighted average
effect of complex geology 374
effect of intensity of rainfall 386
electrical conductivity 324
EMMA 376
errors in snowmelt models 402
event water evaporation 336
exfiltration 380
first-in-first-out system 384
general considerations 368
geographic source 320
heterogeneity in soil hydraulic
properties 380
hydraulic conductivities 382
hysteresis in flowpaths 334
Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph
(IUH) 386
inter-site comparisons 331
iterative approach to estimate delta
using the convolution integral 755
Kalman filter method 378
Lainbachtal catchment, Germany 400
last-in-last-out system 384
lead isotopes 632
limitations of the approach 338
methods for handling the temporal
variability 337
multi-signal calibration method 341
nitrate isotopes 557
non-constant input signal 755
non-linear storage elements 385
parameter identifiability 342
percentage of pre-event water
table 322, 323
perched water table level 384
piston flow versus macropore flow 420
pre-event water in snowmelt 406
pre-event water studies 730, 731
predict catchment response 386
primary storage 382
problems with models 757
PULSE-model 343
rain intensity factor 754
rapid dissolution of silica 416
recommendations for field studies 338
requirement and assumptions 321, 338
secondary storage 382
silica versus isotope separation 414
snowmelt 399
soil water lysimeters 381
sources vs flowpaths 413
standard weighing 336
strontium isotopes 266, 631
synthetic data 758
temporal trends of silica 416
temporal variability in rainfall 337
temporal variability in snowmelt 406
three component model 335, 414, 752
time source 320
tritium 339
tritium in snowmelt 399
two versus three components 334
uncertainties in tracer concentrations
variability in event water 335, 337
variability in pre-event water 332-334
vertical percolation 379
Hydrohill catchment, China 329, 330
Hydrologic budgets
see also Hydrograph separation, 474
Hydrologic cycle 88
Hydrological processes 1, 359
Hydraulic diffusivity/conductivity 3-7
Hysteresis 4, 334
IAEA (International Atomic Energy
Agency) 56, 88
website for data, books, standards
56, 78
Ice cores see also Snowpack, 778
Immobile water 4
Imnavait Creek, Alaska, USA 126-130
index-lake method 476
groundwater-inflow rates for lakes 476
Infiltration 13
definition 4
effects of freezing on 395
Infiltration capacity 4, 29
Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH)
386, 733, 739
quick and slow flow components 743
assumption of a steady state 743
catchment residence time distribution
identifying "old" and "new" water 741
mixing models 733
quasi-linear storage elements 740
system response functions 738, 741
Interception, see also Throughfall, 4, 8
Interflow 30
Iodine isotopes (129I) 261
Isotope ratio mass spectrometer
(IRMS) 565
Iron (Fe) isotopes 643
effects of microbial processes 642
redox reactions 643
ISOGEOCHEM website 78
IsoIG website 78
Isotope biogeochemistry 79
Isotope enrichment factor (e) 59
Isotope equilibrium
see Isotope fractionations
Isotope fractionations 57, 120, 121
ammonification 527
apparent fractionation 524
assimilation 527
biological fractionation 70, 523
boron isotopic fractionation 642
cellulose-water 786
closed-system fractionation 67
condensation of water 64
denitrification 530, 547, 548, 550
deuterium excess 65
diffusion of CO2 into plant 71
diffusion through air 68
discrimination factor 71, 524
equilibrium fractionation 58, 62
evaporation line 69, 447
evaporation of water 66
fractionation factor, definition 59
humidity, effects of 67, 68
ice-water transition 58, 59
interception by vegetation 108, 120
isotope exchange reactions 57
kinetic fractionation 60, 63
kinetic isotope terminology 524, 525
kinetic processes 57
leaf-water cellulose 194
lithium isotope fractionation 641
mass-dependent isotope effect
57, 70, 547
methanogenesis 595
microbe preferences 525, 542
mineral-water 780
mineralization 527
nitrate-oxygen fractionation 538
nitrification 528, 544
non-equilibrium fractionation 63
open/closed systems, equilibrium 61
open/closed systems, kinetic 63, 70
photosynthesis 790
rate determining step 525
rate-limiting step 70
Rayleigh equation 61, 65
reaction progress 71
respiration, effect on 18O 543, 544
rule of thumb 58
snowmelt-water 398
snowpack 120
SO4 adsorption 493
sorption/desorption 530
sublimation 121
substrate 70
sulfur exchange reactions 492
throughfall 108, 120
volatilization of ammonia 529
water liquid-vapor 59
zero potential energy relationships 58
Isotope hydrology 78
Isotope, defined 51
abundance ratio 56
definitions 51, 53
Fretwell's law 52
fundamentals of isotope
geochemistry 53
nuclide chart 54
standards 56
typical uses 51, 52
zero point energies 57, 58
Isotopes in model calibration
see also Hydrograph separation,
Groundwater modeling, 341
Birkenes model 341
parameter identifiability 341
Isotopes versus solutes
see also Chemical tracers, 477
Isotopic exchange 57, 107
D exchange 107
sulfur exchange reactions 70
vapor exchange in caves 108
Kalahari Desert, Africa 445, 452, 549
Kalman filtering 744-751
Karst see Caves
Kinetic fractionations
see Isotope fractionation, 60
Kinetic isotope effects 60, 67, 68, 70
open and closed systems 61-63
Rayleigh equations 61, 65, 525, 544
Kitchener and Waterloo aquifers,
Ontario, Canada 499
Krypton-81 (81Kr) 210
Krypton-85 (85Kr) 210, 302, 307, 459
age profiles 307
concentration in the troposphere 211
difficulties with using 303
general 210, 302, 459
groundwater ages 302
physical transport processes 303
specific activity 302
Kuparuk River catchment, Alaska,
USA 129-131
Kuruman River, South Africa 445
Labeled materials
see also Tracer studies, 82
equation 82
field applications 508, 560
Lacustrine environments 792
authigenic carbonates 795
case studies 797, 801
hydrologic inputs 796
hydrologic output 797
in-lake processes 797
organics 792
Lag-to-peak 27
Lainbachtal catchment, Germany
400, 401
Lake Asal, Djibouti 469
Lake Barco, Florida, USA 470, 766
Lake Fryxell, Antarctica 600, 601, 765
Lake Gårdsjön catchment, Sweden
396, 428, 514, 756
Lake George, New South Wales 470
Lake Heimdalsvatn, Norway 665
Lake Mina, Minnesota, USA 799, 800
Lake Tahoe, California/Nevada,
USA 440
Lake Titicaca, South America 469
Lake Victoria, Kenya 788
Lake-dominated systems 467
Lakes 792
age-dating recent sediments 659, 660
authigenic carbonates 795
carbon isotopes in peatlands 593
case studies 797, 801
controls of lake d13C 795
covariation of 87Sr and 18O 628
defining plume with O, H, Sr
isotopes 628
d18O of lacustrine carbonates
DOC 600
flow-through lake 469
groundwater exchange 470
groundwater-inflow rate from lakes 471
hydrologic budget for lake system
468, 469
hydrologic output 797
hydrological inputs 796
hydrologic processes 467
in-lake processes 797
index-lake method 474
lake evaporate 471
lake levels inferred from dD in tree
rings 788
nonsteady-state vs steady-state
lakes 477
organics 792
ostracodes 799
paleochanges in water balance 792
paleoclimatic studies 792
percent groundwater in lake 475
sedimentation and erosion rates 665
solute tracers 477
storage in lakes, wetlands, and
streams 24
sulfate 34S 498
terminal-lake 469
Lappträsket catchment, Sweden 393
Lapse rate 89
Latent heat flux 24
Latitude effect 102
Lead Isotopes (204Pb/208Pb) 611
atmospheric/anthropogenic Sr, Pb,
C 624
temporal isotopic change in
minerals 269
flowpaths, rationale for use 611
from organic soils 625
hydrographic separation 267
lead-206/lead-204 (206Pb/204Pb) 616
lead-206/lead-207 (206Pb/207Pb) 267
lead-208/lead-204 (208Pb/204Pb) 253
lead isotope evolution in minerals 617
two component mixing model in
streams 632, 633
variations during snowmelt 634
weathering reactions 611
Lead-210 (210Pb) 647, 655
activity depth profiles 664
analytical methods 656
assumptions for use 658
atmospheric flux data 660
dating speleothems 659
fundamentals 655
paired nuclide studies 662
penetration depth 667
sedimentation rate 658
source of eroded particles 663
typical profile of 210Pb activity in
sediments 657
238U decay series 656
Leaf Area Index (LAI) 176, 177
Leaf water potential 192
Linearity 727
Liquid diffusion 143
Liquid scintillation counter 76
Lithium-7 (7Li) 278, 640
lithium isotope fractionation 641
Lithogenic and cosmogenic tracers
see specific isotopes, 247, 252, 260
alpha decay 54, 251
alpha recoil 255
beta capture 54, 251
beta decay 54, 251
bomb-pulse 258
Bowen's Reaction Series 254, 255
Central Valley, California, USA 268
co-precipitation 249
cosmic radiation 257
decay mechanisms 54
difference in flowpaths and flow
rates 274
dissolution 249
dry deposition, throughfall 263
elemental abundances 260
fundamentals 278
Henry's Law 249
incongruent solution 249
ion exchange 250
mineral diffusion 249
mineral reactions 248
neutron activation 258
nuclear accidents 661, 663-666
radioactive decay 251
radiogenic nuclides 251
trace element exchange 249
Wawona catchment, Yosemite National
Park, California, USA 272, 273
weathering 253, 267
Llano Uplift, Texas, USA 654
Local Meteoric Water Line (LMWL) 93
Loch Vale watershed, Colorado, USA
556, 557, 601, 625
Long Term Ecological Research
(LTER) Sites
Hubbard Brook, New Hampshire, USA
500, 508-510
Luquillo Experimental Forest,
Puerto Rico, USA 652
Niwot Ridge, Colorado, USA 558
North Temperate Lakes, Wisconsin,
USA 475, 478, 479, 480, 627, 628
Sevilleta, New Mexico, USA 788, 789
Longitudinal variation in stream d18O
Luquillo Experimental Forest,
Puerto Rico, USA 652
Lysimeters, snow melt and soil
126, 400, 422-426
M6 catchment, New Zealand 325
M8 catchment, New Zealand 39, 323, 326
Macropores 4, 18, 327
schematic of flow in macroporous soil 19
Maimai catchment, New Zealand
39, 323-328, 348, 736
Makgadigadi, Botswana 452
Manaugat River, Turkey 223, 237
Mass balance
see also Mixing models, 167
catchment 167
groundwater/lake systems 471
limitations of the approach 727
2 and 3 component models 727, 729
Mass spectrometry 75
Matric potential see also Soil water, 360
Mean age of water 219
Mean residence time 230, 736-737
Merced, California, USA
617, 620, 673, 674
Meteoric relationship for 18O and 2H
65, 91
Meteoric water line see GMWL
Methanogenesis 593-595
Methemoglobinemia 519
Micropores 4, 18
Microbial activity
see also Bacteria, 494, 526, 542
Middle East precipitation 453
Mineral reactions see also Weathering
co-precipitation 249
dissolution 249
incongruent solution 249
ion exchange 250
kinetics 621
mass-balance approach 248
mineral diffusion 249
reaction-path approach 248
use for paleoclimatic reconstructions
Mineral weathering rates 620
Mineralization 527
Mixing models see also Groundwater
mixing, 726-727
assumption of a steady state 743
Birkenes model 750
calibration and validation models 726
conceptual models of catchment 738
convolution integral 734, 737
definitions and terms 726
dispersion model 736
equation assumptions 41
exponential relations 81
history 724
hydrograph separation 727
hyperbolas formed by mixing 80
instantaneous unit hydrograph 733, 738
Kalman filtering 744
linearity 727
mass balance 727
mixing versus denitrification progress 81
mixing versus process 80
model identifiability 727
model types 735
over-parameterization 724
partitioning inflow from multiple
sources using 222Rn 699
pre-event water fraction studies
730, 731
probability density function 733
problems 724
quasi-linear storage element 740
quick and slow flow components 743
radium isotopic techniques 705
residence time estimation 727
steady and unsteady exponential
models 736
subjectivity 725
system response functions 735
three-component separation 702
tie line 80
time lags 744
transfer function model approach 737
transit times-system response
functions 732
use of chemical tracers 751
use of 222Rn 688
validation of models 726
Modry Dul catchment, Czech Republic
222, 399
Moisture characteristic 14
Molecular diffusion/diffusivity 145, 146
Molecular exchange 128
Monotonically increasing function 755
Multi-isotope approach 83, 627-644
Murray-Darling basin, Australia 190
Muttee basin, Switzerland 662, 664
MWL see also GMWL, 447
Nancy, France 790
National Bureau of Standards (NBS) 56
National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) 56
Neodymium-143 (143Nd) 277, 278
Neon-21 (21Ne) 647
Neutron activation 258
New South Wales, Australia 752
New versus old water 320, 348, 368,
376, 383, 391, 393
New water see Hydrograph separation
Nile River, Egypt/Sudan 443, 448
Nitrate see also Nitrogen-15
and Nitrogen Reservoirs
agricultural and urban sources 552
application studies 552-569
assimilation 527
buffer strips 555
d18O values of nitrate 538, 539,
denitrification 525, 530, 546, 548
desert salts 541, 546
distinguishing sources of nitrate using
isotopes 546, 553
mineralization 527, 542
NITREX Program, Europe 559
nitrification 528, 542-544
processes affecting d18O values
Sangamon River, Illinois, USA 554
sorption/desorption 530
sources of nitrate in groundwater 553
sources of nitrate in streams 554-558
tracing sources and cycling of nitrate
volatilization of ammonia 529
Nitrification 528, 542-544
NITREX Program, Europe 559
Nitrogen cycle, schematic diagram 523
Nitrogen fixation 526
Nitrogen reservoirs 523, 531, 532
animal waste 532, 534
atmospheric sources
532, 539, 540, 771
fertilizers 534, 542, 546
groundwater 537, 538, 539, 548, 552
microbial nitrate 542-544
plants 534
soil nitrogen 532, 535, 544, 546
sources of oxygen in nitrate 542
surface water 554-558
Nitrogen saturation
acid rain 533, 773
forest decline 559
nitrogen-limited systems 560
Nitrogen-15 (15N) see also Nitrate, 520
ammonification 527
application studies 552
assimilation 527
compound-specific IRMS 565
denitrification 525, 530, 546, 548
discrimination factor 524
DOC sources/sinks 564, 599
dual isotope method 538, 564
excess N2 525, 548, 550, 551
fixation 526
foodweb studies 562
fundamentals 520
groundwater 537, 538, 553
in AIR and precipitation 532, 540, 771
kinetic fractionation 524
labeled tracers 560
methods, collection and analytical 520
mineralization 527, 529
mixing 547, 552
nitrification 528
nitrogen cycle 523
NOx in atmospheric deposition 771
d18O of nitrate sources 538,
processes affecting d15N 526,
range of isotopic compositions 531
Rayleigh fractionation 524, 525, 544
sorption/desorption 530
streams 554, 558
tracing sources and cycling of
nitrate 545
volatilization of ammonia 529
Niwot Ridge, Colorado, USA 558
Noble gases 459
noble gases in groundwater dating 210
paleoclimatic tools 209
recharge temperature 294
North Temperate Lakes, Wisconsin, USA
478, 479, 627
Nuclides, definition 53
O2, d18O 539, 543,
Oak Ridge Reservation Experiment,
Tennessee, USA 311
Observed effects in precipitation 100
Occult precipitation 5, 99
Okavango Delta, Botswana 441, 442
Open system conditions 61-63
Osmotic potential 12
Ostracodes, use in climatic studies 799
Ottawa River, Canada 39, 235
Overland flow 5, 18, 31, 352, 368, 383
Oxygen-18 (18O) of nitrate 522, 538
atmospheric nitrate 539, 540
d18O of O2 539, 543,
fundamentals 538
methods 522, 538
microbial process 542-544
ranges of values 539, 547
Oxygen-18 (18O) of water 53
analysis in water 72
atmospheric CO2 106
atmospheric vapor 106
geothermal water 234
groundwater 225
hydrologic cycle 88
recharge water 211
surface water 206
variations in precipitation 102, 204
Oxygen-18 (18O) of sulfate 491
Packrat midden 785
Pahranagat Lake, Nevada, USA 801, 802
Paleoclimate indicators see also
Environmental change, 776
clay minerals, oxides, and hydroxides
continental glaciers 778
D/18O plant cellulose studies 786
effects of climate on photosynthesis 790
groundwater 776
lacustrine environments: organics 792
lake levels inferred from dD in tree rings
ostracodes 799
packrat midden 785
Pahranagat Lake, Nevada, USA 801
paleoenvironmental reconstruction from
tree rings and plant fossils 785
pedogenic carbonates 782
plant d13C 791
Red Bog, Ireland 797, 798
Paleoclimate studies see also
Environmental change, 777
Devil's Hole, Nevada, USA 777, 778
multi-mineral studies 782
use of carbonates 777
Paleowaters 231
Pallette Lake, Wisconsin, USA
474, 475, 476
Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index
(PHDI) 800
Parameter identifiability 750
Partial area runoff 5
Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB, V-PDB)
56, 618
Penman equation 23
Penman-Monteith equation 24, 25
Perch Lake watershed, Ontario,
Canada 421-424
Periodic table, nuclide chart 54
Permafrost 129, 417
evapotranspiration 129
hydrograph separations 417
meltwater 417
Permil (‰), definition 55
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada 125
Phreatic zone 5, 12
Piezometer 32, 361
Piston flow 207
dispersion 227
flow age 219
piston flow versus macropore
flow 420
tracer pulse injection 208
Plants 165
arid and semi-arid plant
communities 179
bimodal rainfall patterns 180
buffer strips 555
C3, C4, and CAM plants 578, 783
canopy transpiration rate 192
catchment-level processes 165
cellulose isotopes (D/O) 786
cellulose record 192
cellulose temperature information 788
coastal plant communities 186
deforestation 190
desertification 190
eddy correlation 196
CO2 concentrations, effects of 790
soil moisture, effects of 790
energy balance 195
evapotranspiration 168
fog 186
heartwood water 182, 183
hydraulic lift 182
hydrograph separations 417
invasive plants 188
leaf area index (LAI) 176, 177
mixing model 182
Murray-Darling basin, Australia 190
d15N of plants 534
paleoclimate information 785
photosynthetic pathways 578, 783
predawn water potential 181
transpiration, rate 168
regulators of water flux 166, 175
riparian forest communities 178, 179
rooting depth 178
sapwood water 182
soil moisture content 172
stomatal regulation of water 173
stream diversion 189
of plants 499
temperate forest communities 180
throughfall 108
transpiration equation 168
tree cover, effects of 172
uptake and water transport 167
vapor flux measurements 169
water potential, daily fluctuation 175
water sources 177, 178, 181
water use 166
water use efficiency 790
xylem, isotopic composition
167, 179, 181, 185, 187, 188
Plastic 1-08 catchment, Ontario, Canada
409, 410, 411, 415
Plastic Lake, Ontario, Canada 493
Platte River, Colorado, USA 555
Playa lakes 440
focused infiltration 450
Surprise Valley, California, USA 440
pmC, percent modern Carbon,
defined 581
Point Reyes, California, USA 98
Pore-water mixing 37
Pores 4
macropores 18-19
micropores 4, 18
Porosity, relation to saturation 13
Potential 12, 17
energy 12
gravitational 12
matric 17
osmotic 12
pressure 12
Potential evaporation 23
calculation and measurement 23
ratio to actual 24
Pre-event water (old water) 5
Precipitation see also Atmospheric
deposition, Snow, and Throughfall, 87
acid rain 533, 556
annual variability 104
arid catchments 437
bimodal rainfall patterns 180
collection devices 113
dD in groundwater 439
dD in Western USA 101
evapotranspiration 10
geographic variation 104
global distribution of 18O 102
intra-storm variation 105
monsoons 358, 438
MWL slopes 438
Middle East 453
net precipitation 10
nitrogen isotopes 532, 539, 540, 771
O/H isotopic composition 204
paleoclimatic inferences from plants
using O/H isotopes 786
rainfall intensity 141
regional groundwater patterns 439
seasonal differences 103
evaporation lines, slopes of 438
snow water equivalent 6
snowmelt verses rainfall 392
storm system types 7, 89, 90
strontium isotopes in throughfall
264, 624
sulfur exchange reaction 492
sulfur isotopes 496, 504, 773, 775
temperature variation 106
temporal variation 103
terrestrial recycling 438
vapor exchange 106, 107
vapor, rain, and the GMWL 140
Vienna precipitation data 102, 221
water vapor 140
Precipitation systems 89
closed system 95
convective systems 90
desiccating system 95
frontal systems 89
open system 95
orographic systems 90
partially closed system 95
systematic isotopic variation
94, 95, 96
Preferential flow 19
Pressure potential 12
Priestley-Taylor equation 24
Principle of similarity 21
Psychometric constant 21
Quality assurance 72
of contract laboratories 77
Quartermain Mountains, Antarctica 649
Queen's Lake, Canada 793, 794
Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru 778, 780
Radiation 20
longwave 25
net 21
radiative 20
Radioactive decay 54, 251
decay equation 55
decay modes 54, 56
Radioactive equilibrium 680
Radiogenic nuclides 54, 56, 251
Radionuclide, defined 54
Radium isotopes see also
Uranium/Thorium series, 685, 709
chemistry 685
conservative mixing model 709
conservative non-mixing 713
residence time of water 716
source of water to springs 718
3 end-member conservative
mixing 714
Radium-226 (226Ra) 667, 705
groundwater input to estuary 705
Radon-222 (222Rn) 309, 667, 681, 688
comparison of 222Rn/SF6 method and
3H/SF6 method 699
dissolved gases 309
ground water discharge to streams 688
mixing models 688
partitioning inflow using 222Rn 699
radon content of vadose zone
water 701
222Rn/SF6 method 698
techniques 688
temporal changes in mixing
fractions 705
three-component separation 702
3H/SF6 method 695
vadose zone contributions 699
volatilization corrections 689, 691, 695
Radon-226/Radon-228 (226Ra/228Ra)
709, 713, 715, 716, 718
conservative mixing 709, 715
non-conservative mixing 713
residence time 716
Rainfall intensities 348
Rainfall runoff see also Hydrograph
separation, Mixing models, 319, 348
Antecedent Precipitation Index
(API) 355
bypass flow 348
catchment response 367
effect of intensity of rainfall 386
exfiltration return flow 362
groundwater ridging 327
hydrology separation 320, 338
Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph
(IUH) 386
isotopes in model calibration 341
literature review 348
non-linear storage elements 385
non-linearities 367
predict catchment response 386
quickflow/precipitation (QF/P) 348
rainfall 336
scale 330
subsurface mixing and residence
time 339
variability in event water 335
variability in pre-event water 333
Random errors 6
Rapid Creek basin, South Dakota, USA
709-718, 519
Rayleigh equation 61, 100, 123
confusing terminology 65
denitrification 525, 530, 547-550
distillation 123, 129
equilibrium fractionation 58, 62
kinetic processes 57, 63, 70, 547
isotopic change under open and
closed systems 61-63
Recession limb 27
Recharge 38, 206
by precipitation 211
by surface waters 206
effect of vegetation cover 212
effect on soil water 170
from surface water 214
hydraulic lift 171
plant uptake 169
redistribution of ground water 171
regulatory role of plants 175
temperature 293
tree cover, effects of 172
vertical mixing 233
water uptake and transport 169
water yield 172
Red Bog, Ireland 797, 798
Redox reactions 643
biomass isotope mapping 567
denitrification 593-595
effect of DOC 595
iron isotopes 643
methane oxidation 594
methanogenesis 593-595
nitrification 528, 542-544
sulfate reduction 494, 567
Relative humidity 89
Relative humidity gradient 151
Representative elementary area 33
Reservoir mixing 340
Residence time 39
estimation 727
residence time distribution 40, 739
runoff 40
sources of solutes 42
system response functions 732
time lag 744
transfer function model approach 737
use of radium isotopes 716
water sources versus water
flowpaths 41
Respiration, effects on d18O 543,
Reynolds number 18
Rhone River, Switzerland 662
Richard's equation 14
Rio Grande de Manati, Puerto Rico,
USA, 691-696
Riparian forest communities 178, 179
Riparian zones 593
Rising limb 27
River Murray, Australia 178, 442, 444
River Ore, Sweden 666
Rivers 442-444
agriculture return flow 444
contribution of groundwater 237
effect of power plant diversions 445
effects of evaporation 444
evaporatively enriched rivers 442
Nile River, Egypt/Sudan 443
River Murray, Australia 444
Rocky Mountains, USA 505
Runoff 26, 40
Runoff mechanisms see also Flowpaths,
and Hydrograph separation, 320
groundwater ridging 326
Horton flow 325
hydrograph separation 320
Hydrohill catchment, China 329
macropore flow 327
new versus old water 383
overland flow 325
primary storage 382
saturated wetland 329
saturation overland flow 328, 383
subsurface stormflow 325
water table response 329
Salmon catchment, Australia
745, 746, 752
Sample collection 72, 113, 114, 398
ammonium 521
animals 522
atmospheric water vapor 114
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen,
and sulfur isotopes of solid samples 74
d18O and dD
of water 72
dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) 73
dissolved organic carbon
(DOC) 596, 597
dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) 522
sulfate 74
gases 523
injected tracers 701
Lead-210 656
lithogenic isotopes 74
15N tracer studies 520
nitrate 73, 521
particulate organic nitrogen
(PON) 522
plants 522
rain collectors 114, 454
snow cores 115
snow lysimeter designs 398
soil water 139, 455
surface water 454
tritium 73
San Pedro Valley, Arizona, USA 784
Sangamon River, Illinois, USA 554
Saturated absolute humidity 145
Saturation overland flow 5
Saturation vapor pressure 23
Scale in catchment hydrology 33
representative elementary volume 33
scale issues 113
Seawater 186
percentage of seawater sulfate 497
uptake by plants 186
Secondary storage 382
Secular equilibrium 680
Sediment source 666
depth distribution of 7Be, 137Cs,
210Pb 669
erosion mechanisms, determining 668
penetration depth for 7Be, 137Cs,
210Pb 667
use of radionuclides 667
Wallbrink/Murray model 668
weathering and 87Sr/86Sr 670
Sediment transport 666
rates of radionuclide and particle
transfer 666
Sedimentation rate 655
137Cs 659, 660, 661
dating speleothems 659, 665
depth distribution of 7Be, 137Cs,
210Pb 669
210Pb uses 660
radionuclide budget 665
Sensible heat 21
Septic tank effluents 532, 546
use of nitrate isotopes 554
versus manure 532, 546, 553
Sevilleta LTER, New Mexico, USA
788, 789, 791
SF6 see also Tracers, injected gas, 695
methodology 696
use for volatization corrections 695
Sierra Nevada Mountains, California,
USA 189, 586, 587, 620
Silica 416
equilibrium concentration 416
silica vs carbonate weathering 670
subsurface pathways 414
temporal trends of silica 416
Silicon-32 (32Si) 257
Similarity principle 21
Skjervatjern catchment, Norway 514
Sleepers River, Vermont, USA 630-635
SMOW see also VSMOW, 56
Snow heat-conductance 394
Snow accumulation 120
adequate sampling 122
depth hoar 120
'd' excess 119
evaporation and exchange 121
forested catchments 120
snow flakes 119
soil moisture 120
sublimation 120-122
thermal gradients 120
Snow hydrology studies 132
Imnavait Creek, Alaska, USA 130
Kuparuk River, Alaska, USA 129
large scale Soviet experiment 132
Toolik Lake, Alaska, USA 130
Snow, water balance 128
evaporation 128
Toolik Lake, Alaska, USA 129
Snowmelt 10, 119, 123, 128, 397-398
ablation 128, 129
Apex River, Baffin Island, Canada 126
average transit time 426
characteristics of snow melt
392, 377-378
dD depth profiles 423
dD variability in infiltrating
snowmelt 424
dominance of old water 401
effective fractionation 124
energy balance 11
equilibrium fractionation 129
fraction of pre-event water 406
freeze/thaw cycles 128
freezing process 394
hydrograph separation 125
hydrologic conditions 392
Imnavait Creek, Alaska, USA
126, 127
infiltration 395, 418
internal meltwater 125
isotopic characteristics 397
isotopic content of runoff 127
kinetic fractionation 129
low diffusion coefficient 124
lysimeter studies 422, 423, 424
meltwater equation 124
meltwater production 398
molecular exchange 124, 125, 128
old water 391
particle velocity 419
permafrost 126, 417
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada 125
phase change fractionation 124
preferential flow 425
PULSE model 425
rate of percolation 419
Rayleigh distillation 123, 129
seasonal soil frost 394
snow lysimeter 398, 400, 401
snowmelt runoff 119
soil 422-426
temporal variations in tracer
concentration 406
theoretical considerations 123
three dimensional flow 426
transition between ice and water 124
urbanization effects 125
variation of 206Pb/204Pb during
snowmelt 634
Weissfluhjock, Switzerland 129
Snowmelt-dominated systems 391
annual lateral groundwater flow 396
catchment fraction of discharge area
Dischma catchment, Switzerland 399
dynamic reservoir model 412
effect of bogs 404
flow-dependent reservoir volume 409
geographic distribution 397
groundwater composition
estimation 408
groundwater recharge and particle
velocity 419
historical studies 399
immobile water 419, 421
infiltration capacity 395, 418
influence of catchment
physiography 403
isotopic characteristics 397
lateral groundwater flow 396
macropore flow 421
patterns 422
Perch Lake, Ontario, Canada
423, 424
permafrost 126, 417
pre-event fraction
406, 407, 408, 409
recent studies 401
reversed acidification experiment 428
runoff from saturated areas 410
silica versus isotope separation 414
sources versus flowpaths 413
Svartberget Nedre, Sweden
402, 404, 405
temporal variations in tracers 406
three component model 414
transit times 422
transmissivity feedback 395
two-component models 402
unsaturated flow 418
Snowpack 121, 132
isotopic profiles 121
tritium use 132
Sodium isotopes (22Na) 280
Soil carbon dioxide 783
Soil see also Carbon cycling, Sulfur,
Nitrogen, 142, 143, 147, 176, 535
age 581, 584, 590, 673
boundary layer thickness 143
change of d13C with depth
590, 591, 592
d18O of nitrate sources 538,
d18O of microbial nitrate 542
dry deposition 263, 533
drying, of a soil column 150
evolution of 14C age of soil 583
fires, effect on carbon cycling 587
moisture content 176
nitrogen cycling processes
526, 535, 545
saturated 142
steady-state isotope profile 142
15N in various soils 535, 546
34S in various soils 499, 500
unsaturated 147
Soil water 11, 137, 455
arid catchment 446
Bowen ratio 21
capillary fringe 12
concentration gradient 146
Darcy's law 14, 15, 147
diffuse infiltration and recharge 448
diffusivity 144
distillation 455
effective diffusivity 146
effects on d13C in tree rings
enhanced surface concentrations
evaporating soil column 143
evaporation 141
evaporation front 447
extraction techniques 139, 455
Fick's law 142, 145, 148
Horton flow 29
humidity effects 144
hydraulic conductivity 14, 16
hydraulic diffusivity 15, 144
hydraulic lift 173, 184
infiltration 13
infiltration capacity 29
infiltration, episodic cycles
448, 449, 544
isotope profile 144, 209
length scale 138
liquid phase diffusivity 143
lysimeter 381
macropores 18
matric potential 14, 17
meteorological inputs 139
micropores 18
net evaporation rate (E) 144
overland flow 18
relationships 158, 160, 171
phreatic zone 12
potential energy 12
record of water use by plants 192
Reynolds number 18
rooting depth, effect of 173
salinity effects 146
sampling 138, 381, 455
schematic of conditions 13
seasonal soil water potential 177
slope of the evaporation line 158
soil infiltration capacity 14
soil water losses by evaporation
448, 449
soil zone 447
steady-state isotope profiles 149
temperature effects
155, 156, 157, 158
toluene extraction 455
total potential, definition 12
transpiration effects 161
unsteady evaporation 150, 152, 153
vacuum distillation 455
vadose zone 12
vegetation cover, effect of 176
water potential, daily fluctuation 175
water stored 157
water table 12
Solar radiation 21
Solid source mass spectrometry
see Mass spectrometry
Solute isotope biogeochemistry 77, 79
synthesis of uses in catchment 638
Sorption/desorption 530
Sparkling Lake, Wisconsin, USA
471, 628
Spiked materials, see Labeled materials
Spontaneous fission 258
Standard Mean Ocean Water see SMOW
Standards for isotopic analysis 56, 57
normalization of data 57
where to order 56
Stemflow 8
Storm types see Precipitation systems
Stormflow generation
see also Rainfall runoff, 27
groundwater ridging 32
Horton flow 27
overland flow 31
subsurface stormflow 30
Streamflow generation
see also Runoff mechanisms, 395
Stomatal regulation of water 173
Strontium-87 (87Sr) 254, 267, 482, 613
age of material 613
arid catchment applications 456
atmospheric/anthropogenic strontium,
lead, and carbon 264, 624
Bowen's Reaction Series 254, 255
Ca-phosphate fertilizers 672
conditions for use 674
contributing flowpaths 673
contributions from flowpaths to base
flow 634
notation 615
dry deposition 263
evolution in mobile verses immobile
waters 629
exchange pool 622
exchangeable strontium 621, 673
flow rate 269
flowpaths, rational for use 611
fluid mobility in mineral matrices 623
fundamentals 613
glaciation of a granitic terrain 268
hydrograph separation 266
isochron 614
laboratory column experiments 268
lithologic sources 636
Merced, California, USA 673, 674
pedogenic carbonates, origin of 264
physical erosion 671
poisoning reactive surfaces 630
precipitation, dry precipitation, and
throughfall 264, 624
redox condition 256
regional groundwater 272
scale, correlations with catchment
631, 632
silicate versus carbonate weathering
soil age 673
soil thickness, effects of 631, 635
solute isotope characteristics 639
solute sources 672
source rock 671
sources of carbonate alkalinity
surface flow 264, 635, 637
temporal changes in minerals 254
throughfall 264, 624
two end-member mixing model 638
typical 87Sr/86Sr ratios 672
weathering components 630
weathering rates 620, 672
weathering reactions 611
Stubbetorp, Sweden 425, 427
Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, Canada 305-307
Sublimation 5
Subsurface runoff 5
Subsurface stormflow 5
Sulfur-34 (34S) 132 ,489, 498
adsorption/desorption fractionation 493
application rates 509
applied tracer studies 508
assimilation by plants 494
atmospheric deposition 507, 773
atmospheric sources of sulfur
493, 495, 496, 773, 775
Bavaria, Germany 512
Bear Brook watershed, Maine, USA
502, 505, 510, 512
biogenic gases 495
biotic processes 494
Black Forest, Germany 507, 513
controls on isotope composition 491
d18O in water and sulfate in
precipitation 507
dimethylsulfide (DMS) 773
elevation, variation of d34S
with 503
Experimental Lakes Area, Ontario,
Canada 505
fundamentals 491
gas from coal combustion 774
geological sources of sulfur 495
Höglwald, Germany 512, 513
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest,
New Hampshire, USA 500, 503, 508
hydrosphere 497
incorporation of sulfur into organic
sulfur 512
isotope fractionation 492
Kitchener and Waterloo aquifers,
Ontario, Canada 499
Lake Gårdsjön catchment,
Sweden 514
natural abundance studies 500
natural variation, sulfur isotopes
493, 775
net retention of sulfur 514
organic and inorganic fractions in
soil 502
organic matter deposition 599
organic versus inorganic processes
pathways for sulfur loss 490
plants 499, 501
Plastic Lake, Ontario, Canada 493
pools sizes 494
Rocky Mountains, Colorado and
Wyoming, USA 505
sampling 74
seawater sulfate percentage 497
Skjervatjern catchment, Norway 514
sulfate reduction 494
sulfur cycle in a forest ecosystem 490
soils 499, 500
sediments 498
use of d18O of sulfate 491
West Whitecourt, Alberta,
Canada 511
Sulfur-35 (35S) 131, 491
Surface runoff 6
Surprise Valley, California, USA 440
Svartberget Nedre, Sweden
122, 393, 402, 404, 405
Swiss Alps 668, 669
System response function
6, 180, 732, 741, 743
instantaneous unit hydrograph
(IUH) 738
subsurface stormflow 30
system response functions 741
time series approaches 742
Temperature effects 102
Thermonuclear 3H see Tritium
Thorium isotopes see U/Th series
Thorium-232 (232Th) 680, 681, 684
Throughfall see also Precipitation, 6, 8
Throughflow 6
Time series approaches
see Mixing models
Toolik Lake, Alaska, USA 129-131
Topography 176
and soil moisture 176
and transpiration 176
Trace element exchange 249, 250
Tracer studies 508
Bear Brook watershed, Maine,
USA 561
Höglwald, Germany 512, 513
mass balance equation 508, 560
NITREX Program, Europe 559
nitrogen isotopes 560
sulfur application rates 509
sulfur isotopes 508
Tracers, injected gas see also Radon, 309
fluorinated compounds 310
materials and methods 311
noble gases 310
Oak Ridge Reservation Experiment
volatilization corrections
689, 691, 695
Transit time distribution 754-755
Translatory flow 6
Transmissivity feedback 32
Transpiration 6, 174, 447
arid catchment 447
tree-ring studies 791
canopy transpiration 174
stomatal conductance 174
Tree rings see also Plants, 785, 790
heartwood and sapwood, isotopic
composition 183
inferring lake levels 788
paleoenvironmental reconstruction
from tree rings and plant fossils 785
transpiration effects 791
xylem water isotopes 167, 179-188
Trephina Creek, Australia 654
Tritium (3H) 110, 132, 257
analysis in water 73
anthropogenic 111
atmospheric concentrations 112
continental effect 113
contribution of groundwater 237
cosmogenic 110
groundwater recharge 213
hydrograph separation 339
in pre-1954 vintage wine 111
Johannesburg precipitation data 112
origin 110
Ottawa precipitation data 112
residence times in catchments,
USA 236
snowmelt studies 399
uses of tritium 112
Vienna precipitation data 220, 221
Tritium/Helium-3 (3H/3He) 297, 457
age 298
arid zone uses 457
bomb peak 299
diffusive loss of 3He 298
fundamentals 297, 457
transport 298
tritiogenic 3He 298
variation with depth 213, 306
Tropical rainforests 347
Trout Lake watershed, Wisconsin, USA
475, 478, 627, 628, 629
Truckee River, Nevada, USA 445
Tulum Valley, Argentina 235
Turnover time see Carbon cycling, 222
Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity
17, 207
carbon dioxide dissolution 210
evaporative discharge 208
groundwater recharge 207
mechanisms of infiltration 207
noble gases as paleoclimatic tools 209
noble gases in groundwater dating 210
Upper Fremont Glacier, Wyoming, USA
779, 780
Uppsala, Sweden 419, 420
(234U/238U) 273
Uranium-235 (238U) 680, 681
Uranium/thorium series 255, 257, 679
226Ra/228Ra 709
230Th/234U geochronometer 684
234U/238U disequilibrium 256
alpha particle recoil 255, 681
Bickford watershed, Massachusetts,
USA 699
Charlotte Harbor, Florida, USA
condition for secular equilibrium 680
decay mechanism 257
distribution 681
effects of pH on uranium
speciation 683
Eh-pH relations 684
fundamental concepts 616, 680
glacial studies 777
in carbonates 777
mixing models 688
radium isotopic techniques 705
radium species as a function of pH 685
radon emanation 687
222Rn 681, 688
222Rn/SF6 method 698
Rapid Creek Basin, South Dakota,
USA 709, 710, 714
regional flow patterns 273
Rio Grande de Manati, Puerto Rico,
USA 691-695
secular equilibrium 256
spontaneous fission 258
uranium chemistry 682
238U, 238U and 235U decay series 681
uses of radium isotopes for
groundwater discharge 709
Walker Branch watershed, Oak Ridge,
Tennessee, USA 695
Urban hydrology
age dating pollution changes 556
nitrate in urban streams 555
use of dual isotope methods 551
Use of isotopes in catchment research
35-39, 491
Vadose zone see also Soil water, 6, 12
Validation of models 726
Vapor diffusion 143
Vapor pressure 6, 21
Variable source area 6
Vegetation see also Plants, 165
d13C 598
dD and d18O
leaf-level 173
reconstruction 785
stand-level 175
water uptake and transport 167
Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) 56
Vienna precipitation data see IAEA
Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water
(VSMOW) 56
Volatilization of ammonia 529
Volumetric moisture content 14
Wadi Saoura, northern Sahara, Africa
448, 449
Wairau Plain, South Island,
New Zealand 236
Walker Branch watershed, Tennessee,
USA 695, 698, 703-706
Water age
see Groundwater modeling, 237
Water balance
see Water budget, 1, 7, 467
continuity equation 1
invasive plants 188
plant water use efficiency 166, 790
precipitation deficiencies 34
regulatory role of plants 175
use of solute tracers 477
water availability 22
Water budget 468
hydrologic budget for a lake system 468
index-lake method 474
nonsteady-state versus steady-state lakes
Water freezing, isotope effects 58, 59
Water isotope hydrology 77, 78
Water table 12
perched 384
responses 329
rise of saline water tables 190
Water use see Plants
Water vapor see also Atmospheric
water vapor, 106, 109
Watershed (catchment) 6
Wawona catchment, Yosemite National
Park, California, USA 265, 272, 273
Weathering reactions 253, 267, 611
atmospheric/anthropogenic strontium,
lead and carbon 624
carbon 617
cation exchange 622
Catoctin Mountains, Maryland, USA
635, 637
clay-water exchange 781
controls on strontium and lead
isotopes 619
criteria in use of solute isotopes 618
DIC isotopes 618, 625
fluid mobility in mineral matrices 623
lithium, boron, iron 640
Loch Vale, Colorado, USA 625
Merced River, California, USA
617, 620
mineral weathering rates 620
multi-isotope studies 627
reaction kinetics 621
reactions that produce DIC 618
reconstructing paleoclimates 781
Sleepers River, Vermont, USA
630, 632-635
sorption of strontium and lead 623
Trout Lake watershed, Wisconsin,
USA 627, 628, 629
uranium-thorium and lead 616
Websites 78
WEBB (Water, Energy, and
Biogeochemical Budgets) Program, USA
Loch Vale watershed, Colorado,
USA 556, 557, 601, 625
Luquillo Experimental Forest,
Puerto Rico, USA 652
North Temperate Lakes, Wisconsin,
USA 475, 478-481, 627, 628
Panola Mountain watershed, Georgia,
USA 615
Sleepers River, Vermont, USA
Weissfluhjock, Switzerland 129
Well data 364
West Bear Creek Valley watershed,
Tennessee, USA 311, 312
West Whitecourt, Alberta, Canada 511
Western Australia 746, 748, 749
Western United States precipitation 101
Wet zone 384
first-in-first-out system 384
last-in-last-out system 384
perched water table 384
Wetlands see also Lakes, 593
Everglades, Florida, USA 567
groundwater exchange 470, 797
isotopes in peatlands 593
methane flux 594
methane oxidation 594
origin of methane 593
storage of water 24
White Mountains, California, USA 649
Williams Creek, Australia 752
Wilpena Pound, Flinders Ranges, South
Australia 653, 654
Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA
673, 674
Xylem, isotopic composition
167, 179, 181, 185-188
Yellowstone National Park, USA 777
Yosemite National Park, USA
265, 272, 273
Yucca Mountains, Nevada, USA 438, 450
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