computer program RATEQ is a numerical model for simulating reactive transport in
porous media. For RATEQ
simulations, groundwater flow is simulated using MODFLOW-2000. The reactive transport simulations in RATEQ are built on
MT3DMS. RATEQ is also capable of
conducting batch speciation calculations and batch kinetic simulations. RATEQ
is intended for a wide range of applications involving biogeochemical reactions
governed by rate- or equilibrium-controlled reactions.
The documentation describes the input requirements and the output
capabilities of RATEQ. The report
also presents a number of example simulations illustrating the capabilities of
RATEQ. The example simulations include five benchmark simulations
that compare results obtained with RATEQ with results obtained independently.
Simulations of U(VI) transport at the UMTRA site near Naturita, CO, are
also described. Finally, several
addition simulations are included that illustrate the application of RATEQ to
problems with immobile zones, redox-controlled reactive transport, and
biogeochemical transport.
Documentation for RATEQ has been published by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission as a NUREG report: Documentation and Applications of the Reactive Geochemical Transport Model RATEQ.
Many of the examples simulations in the RATEQ documentation are the result of work supported by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission that was conducted at US Department of Energy Naturita UMTRA site as described the report Application of Surface Complexation Modeling to Describe Uranium(VI) Adsorption and Retardation at the Uranium Mill Tailings Site at Naturita, Colorado (NUREG/CR-6820).
Additional reports on the work conducted at the Naturita site are listed in the project bibliography.
To obtain the examples simulations and an executable version of RATEQ, contact the author at Otherwise, the files will be posted on or before June 25, 2005