U. S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations Report 99-4038

by C. Frey and K. M. Nolan


Occasionally people are involved in  accidents while operating cableways. Most of these accidents are relatively minor, like muscle stains, bruises, etc., but cableway use can result in a major accident. Most accidents could be avoided if the safety of all cableways had been assessed prior to use and if all safety rules were followed.

This web-based World Wide Web class is designed for all cableway users. The class describes :

  1. Basic cableway nomenclature and operation: A description of all major cableway components  and the forces in action during cableway use,
  2. Inspection procedures required before operating a cableway, and
  3. Rules for safe cableway operation.
Cableways are inspected annually by a trained inspector. This class describes how to inspect a cableway before it is used. The procedure described should be followed prior to each use of any cableway.

Although cableways are inspected annually by trained personnel, vandalism or natural occurrences, such as  trees falling on the cableway or heavy rains that cause washouts around anchors and footings can render cableways unsafe for use. This class is designed to help you identify such conditions. .

The class should not be used as the sole basis for training personnel responsible for annual inspections. Personnel performing annual inspections require a higher level of training.

The agenda in the left frame allows students to navigate between major sections of the class.

Acknowledgements: Gary Gallino, Russ Wagner and Tom Edwards provided much needed field and office support for this project.

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Last modified: June 20, 2001

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Last modified: 06/20/2001