Merced River at Happy Isles Bridge, near Yosemite, California
Lat 37°43'54'', long 119°33'28'', on right bank 10
ft downstream from Illilouette Creek, and 2 miles southeast of Yosemite
National Park Headquarters, Mariposa County. Section 1 is about 1,000 ft
downstream from gage.
181 sq mi. |
May 17, 1950
6.06 ft at gage; 97.40 ft (different datum) at section 1
1,950 cfs
Computed roughness coefficient
Manning n = 0.065
Fairly straight channel is composed of boulders with trees
along top of banks; d50 = 253 mm,
d84 = 550 mm. Banks are composed
of boulders and have trees and brush.