Rock Creek near Darby, Montana
Lat 4604'10'', long
11413'20'', in SE 1/4 SE 1/4 sec.
29, T. 4 N., R. 21 W., on left bank 0.6 mile downstream from
Como Lake, 0.7 mile upstream from Rock Creek Canal, and 4 miles
northwest of Darby. Section 1 is about 0.25 mile upstream from gage.
55.4 sq mi
May 27, 1948
5.78 ft at gage; 23.85 ft at section 1
1,500 cfs
Computed roughness coefficient
Manning n = 0.075
Bed consists of boulders; d50
= 220 mm, d84 = 415 mm. Banks are
composed of boulders and have trees and brush.