Heather Peterson
B.S. University of California at Davis,
Environmental Resource Science and Management
M.A. San Francisco State University, Marine Biology
Research Interests
I came to USGS with a background in California water management,
including water quality management, and water quality monitoring.
With my recent Master’s work I was able to document the influence
of environmental change on ecological processes in the estuary using
long-term environmental and biological monitoring data.
Biological invasions, including the invasion of the Asian bivalve
Potamocorbula amurensis, have had a large-scale influence upon ecological
processes within the San Francisco Estuary, and so I have also been
studying the ecology of invasions to try to understand the nature
of invasions in estuarine systems, including the causes and effects
of invasion in estuarine ecosystems.
My present focus at USGS is in estuarine benthic community dynamics,
especially the ecology of benthic invertebrates. I use environmental
and benthic community data from sampling efforts throughout the
Estuary to assess patterns associated with ecosystem health or ecosystem
stress (often due to pollution).
Selected publications:
Peterson, H. A. (2002) Long-term Benthic Community Change in a Highly
Invaded Estuary. Masters Thesis, Marine Biology. San Francisco State
University. San Francisco, CA, USA. 108 pp.
Curriculum Vitae
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